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Thu May 10, 2007 10:43 am
Sorry about the post here … but I don’t follow NL ball … nor any sport shows like ESPN (et al.). But when Barry Bonds* plays in other parks … is he booed (for obvious reasons)?
I’m thinking if he is, he’s going to only try to hit HRs when he plays in San Fran. I think Bonds* doesn’t want to get booed when he hits the record tie/breaker on the road.

Sat May 12, 2007 9:18 pm
Wow ... I don't believe it. Everyone here has a AL team as their favorite?!?! :shock:

Sat May 12, 2007 10:37 pm
by Assmeriten
Me personally think that someone should either nail that cheating jerk right between the eyes or in his leg and shatter his knee cap with a 100 MPH fastball. Course he gets booed like he should being a huge disgrace to the game that he is.

Sun May 13, 2007 9:13 am
[quote:67b383a3d3]Course he gets booed like he should being a huge disgrace to the game that he is.[/quote:67b383a3d3]
That's the part I wasn't sure about. The only time I see his HRs on the evening news ... is when he is at his home ballpark ... and they cheer for him (which surprises me considering what is being said about him).
Like I said, I don't follow a NL team, and don't follow with ESPN or anything, so I was wondering.
I'm glad he at least get's booed during his away games.

Mon May 14, 2007 9:10 pm
by CATom
feeling is that HE IS THE GREATEST ball player of all TIME!! Roids, boyds - this man can HIT THE (***??ing) BALL - HIT!!! How 'bout Pittsburg? Was "THE MAN" born on roids? Maybe - cause we ain't AND NEVER WILL see another hitter feared or hated like the NEW KING of baseball, Mr. Barry Bonds, I watch in true disbelief as he attacks the record everyone thought was un-BREAKABLE, thank GOD I was alive and able to see the GREATEST HITTER of the WHITE little round ball in the HISTORY of the (ANY SPORT) world! The only player I have EVER seen that an opposing manager would WALK with the bases LOADED!!! T H E G R E A T E S T P L A Y E R E V E R to lace 'em up ------- Mr. Barry Bonds! (Jordan - NO, Unitas - NO, Schumaker - NO) ------- ONLY MR. (and all the 'ney sayers - poop on you) BONDS,
A true privledge to be alive while "the man" "was playin" (and being able to see him perform a couple of times in person) !!!!!!
GOD BLESS BARRY BONDS - the greatest player (bar NONE) to ever play the game that we all LOVE! -- hit 800, Barry - u can doit!!!!!!!

Tue May 15, 2007 6:59 am
Are you a SF fan, a Barry Bonds* fan, or both?
If I recall correctly, the accusation was that Bonds* when in Pittsburgh didn't do roids or hormones or whatever ... and his numbers there were outstanding in their own right ... that is not debatable. If I recall the case ... it was in 1998 or so when Sosa and McGwire were getting all the attention, and he "bulked" up in just 4 months because he wanted the record and/or attention. Not sure how the full story goes ...
In any event, it's good to see he is booed not for his baseball prowess, but for his actions and statements off the field then.

Tue May 15, 2007 1:31 pm
by Leo / loob
OMG! Catom, you hafta be the president of Bonds' fanclub with a membership of ONE!! Seriously, I think that bonds has a fan or 10 because they just like to be different.
He has been the biggest disgrace to professional sports since they admitted that boxing and wrestling were fixed!! LOL
Greatest ever? Please
HOFer with his credentials from the Pirate days, sure, he was very good!!
I feel the same way bout Sosa and mcGwire, they too should never see the hallowed halls of the HOF.
Lets see, bet on some games after your playing days are over, sans what the hell ya do on the field, and ya get barred...
Take an illegal substance (illegal in the US, less scripted to hasten recovery) notice what they can do to your baseball prowess, and dont stop taking them, demolish the most cherished record in sports....
And some think of you as godly?
Catom, hey, guess what, we arent winning the war in iraq either, just incase you were a lil clouded on that subject too.....
yes, you can have your opinion, but those of us that our huge fans of the history of baseball can be offended that a cheat is considered the greatest ever....

Tue May 15, 2007 3:45 pm
by keyzick
Never liked Bonds, even BEFORE the 'roid rage. Overwhelming consensus is that he's a complete a**, and I've never seen an interview with him that's swayed me to think any different.
Although I do think hundreds of players took steroids, so relative to them, his numbers are still impressive. But in the scheme of the history of the game, he and anyone else on the juice are an embarrasment.
As for the Leo's reference to Rose betting on baseball...betting on your team or any MLB teams (he did both, and yes, admitted as much just a couple months ago) while managing is a disgrace, as well. Some argue "well, if he's betting on his team to win, it's not a big deal"...but it can change in-game decisions, and player changes, to what may be detrimental to either or both the player or team in the long run, just so he can hit a big payoff (which a multi-millionaire desperately needs!!??).
Disgrace yourself...I say, so what...but disgrace the game, and you should be barred.
My $2.02

Tue May 15, 2007 4:59 pm
Bonds, Pac Man Jones, Iverson, T.O., Vick, Kyle Turley.....and the list goes on and on and on......NONE OF THESE "PLAYERS" deserve to be in the games they play......they are a black mark on society much less the sports they play....and it doesn't start here either.....look at the college players constantly getting into trouble and getting suspended while in school.
I just think it is sad to say that it is the way we are going these days, but we still pay to be entertained and the Owners still want to make money so nothing in the near future will change.
It is all about "ME". This is what it is about today and the money I can make. Ray Lewis possibly Killed a man....still playing not in Jail, Pac Man involved in a shooting and several domestic type disturbances, still a free man, Bonds purjured himself....still Playing....Giambi....still playing.
Leonard Little for the Rams killed a woman driving while Intoxicated on his 21st caught again.....probation....Still Playing.
These people are above the Law just like Hollywood types and politicians...and we still go to work everyday and try to live good lives with whatever we make and those others live like royalty without the fear of being held responsible for their Actions.......
A truly sad day it is today in the world of sports.....but we still will pay their salaries and for their lawyers and their lifestyles because we want to enjoy a sport that takes us away from our mundane lives for a few hours.
Who is truly to it them....or is it us for allowing it to happen.

Wed May 16, 2007 10:48 am
Curious as to why you guys don't put an asterisk at the end of his name, just like the MLB did to Roger Maris' record of 61 HRs.
If anyone deserves to have an "asterisk" it is Bonds*, and for all eternity.