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My 2nd 2007 Team ...

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 10:15 am
by drakmann
Here is my 2nd 'attempt' at 2007:

I know it is only 12 games in ... but does anyone have any feedback ... things that look good .... things that could be improved ... with any suggestions ... Hopefully my pitching is just some bad luck at the begining of the season ... if not I could be in for some trouble!

The parks in my division: Shea (Home), Kaufman, Coors & Yankees.

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 11:09 am
by visick
Are there ALOT of LHSP's in your division?

This team is geared towards hitting LH's but usually you're gonna see more RH's.

Pitchers in Division

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 11:24 am
by drakmann
In my division, the 12 starters are: 8 RHP & (4) LHP.

After the twelve games here is the L/R splits for my hitters:

TOTALS vs. L 108 27 4 1 0 14 14 19 .250 .325 .306
vs. R 313 102 21 0 6 48 33 43 .326 .399 .451
OVERALL 421 129 25 1 6 62 47 62 .306 .380 .413

Any thoughts/suggestions on changes?

Do you think the pitching will pan out?

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:44 pm
by visick
3 to 1, R to L.

You need someone that hits RH's well...very well.

I'm having luck with Overbay @ 1B in Shea right now.
Cano could make a nice DH.
Gload has nice #'s.
Dellucci hits RH's well.
Giles hits RH's well and can get on.

I'm not crazy about Arroyo. Your park will help him, but let's face it. Lefties hit him hard.
I haven't had ANY luck with Francis.
Schmidt will be OK @ home, and give up HR's in smaller parks.

I like Otsuka/Broxton and Downs. Brox and Downs can eat up innings.
I do think however, your staff will be OK. Not league leading,but OK.

Overall, I think you aren't seeing enough LH's to maximize your batters strengths.