What's the point of REQUIRING 5 SP's?

What's the point of REQUIRING 5 SP's?

Postby Coffeeholic » Fri May 11, 2007 5:22 pm

I do not like the roster requirement that you must have 4 pure RP's, but at least I can see the rationale behind it.

The 5 SP requirement, however, is superfluous in a game which allows SP*'s to pitch on 3 days rest. As long as these SP*'s have pitched 200+ innings, their max injury duration is 3 games. Hence, with a 4 man rotation, that 5th SP requirement simply forces us to waste $.50 mil on a guy who will never leave the dugout.

If the goal is to more realistically portray modern baseball by having 5 man rotations, remove the SP* conotation. But since this apparently is verbotten per Hal Richmand and the folks at SOM, then the corralary action by Bernie and TSN should be to remove the requirement to have 5 SP's.
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Postby geekor » Fri May 11, 2007 5:31 pm

I think it's an effort to make the game more simple.

Think for a minute, the game would have to be able to tell that you have 4 * sp's, then allow you to not have a 5th SP. What happens then when you go to drop a * sp for a non? It then has to say, no you cannot, and make you pick up a 5th first. A lot of extra code (and if there is an error somewhere, a loophole) for not a lot to help.

Personally, I just say get rid of the *'s and add in some rest days. Say after every 9 (or 12) games there is a simulated rest day.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Fri May 11, 2007 6:25 pm

hear hear! i think the rest is already coded into the cdrom game.
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Postby Jerlins » Fri May 11, 2007 7:14 pm

When I use a 4 man rotation I normally make my 5th guy a hard RH or hard LH specialist, or make him the mop up/innings eater guy. That lessens the hurt a bit.
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Postby goredsox33 » Fri May 11, 2007 10:05 pm

I think that Start should do away with SP*....even though i ALWAYS use them,....

its just not realistic
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Postby ArtemusRex » Sat May 12, 2007 1:25 am

Instead of using 4*'s (which usually the 4th starman is inferior and shouldn't pitch every 4th anyway) is to employ only 1 or 2 starmen with 3-4 S or S/R. Then, I set only a 4 man rotation of the 1 or 2 starmen and remaining S pitchers. What this does is tricks Hal into a contant 4 man rotation with the starmen. When he comes to a turn that isn't where one of the S pitchers hasn't had 5 days rest, it will promote one of the S/R pitchers to start that day. This especially works great in the playoffs as it allows you to have a choice in your starters using the per day starters option.

Just my two copper lincolns.

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Postby blue turtle » Sat May 12, 2007 11:32 pm

[quote:a81683515f="goredsox33"]I think that Start should do away with SP*....even though i ALWAYS use them,....

its just not realistic[/quote:a81683515f]

I agree. It hasn't been realistic since the advent of the closer specialist.

The reason for the 5th SP also includes requiring a sub to be available for those teams with 4 * SP. Without a 5th, a reliever gets to start.
blue turtle
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Postby Coffeeholic » Wed May 16, 2007 12:38 pm

[b:adf42d4136]Geekor[/b:adf42d4136]: I hadn't thought of the potential Add/Drop problems that might arise, and this explanation could make sense. But couldn't a simple code be installed that requires either 4 SP*'s or 5 SP's (or SP's + SP*'s)?

[b:adf42d4136]Jerlins[/b:adf42d4136]: That's also been a way I've handled things in the past, but with each succeeding season, the 50 cent SP/RP's are more and more worthless. Hence you're probably better off just hiding this 5th SP.

[b:adf42d4136]goredsox[/b:adf42d4136]: I believe this has been the topic of numerous threads in the past. Apparently the folks in Long Island (SOM HQ) are adamant about keeping the SP* connotation, so I guess we're stuck with it.

[b:adf42d4136]Artemus Rex[/b:adf42d4136]: This question would only pertain to a staff comprised of 4 SP*'s.

[b:adf42d4136]blue turtle[/b:adf42d4136]: If a SP* has 200+ IP's, he can only be injured for 3 games. Hence, a sub would never be required.

Anyways, this is just really a minor gripe on my part... I'm always looking for concentration of mass on my teams, and wasting 50 cents on a guy who will never leave the dugout seems pointless... so, let's shed the requirement. 8)
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Postby goredsox33 » Wed May 16, 2007 1:14 pm

[quote:a11a5f7500="Coffeeholic"][b:a11a5f7500]Geekor[/b:a11a5f7500]: I hadn't thought of the potential Add/Drop problems that might arise, and this explanation could make sense. But couldn't a simple code be installed that requires either 4 SP*'s or 5 SP's (or SP's + SP*'s)?

[b:a11a5f7500]Jerlins[/b:a11a5f7500]: That's also been a way I've handled things in the past, but with each succeeding season, the 50 cent SP/RP's are more and more worthless. Hence you're probably better off just hiding this 5th SP.

[b:a11a5f7500]goredsox[/b:a11a5f7500]: I believe this has been the topic of numerous threads in the past. Apparently the folks in Long Island (SOM HQ) are adamant about keeping the SP* connotation, so I guess we're stuck with it.

[b:a11a5f7500]Artemus Rex[/b:a11a5f7500]: This question would only pertain to a staff comprised of 4 SP*'s.

[b:a11a5f7500]blue turtle[/b:a11a5f7500]: If a SP* has 200+ IP's, he can only be injured for 3 games. Hence, a sub would never be required.

Anyways, this is just really a minor gripe on my part... I'm always looking for concentration of mass on my teams, and wasting 50 cents on a guy who will never leave the dugout seems pointless... so, let's shed the requirement. 8)[/quote:a11a5f7500]

Im fairly certain i NEVER made that quote.
Im not smart enough to use the word "connotation"
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Postby Coffeeholic » Wed May 16, 2007 2:12 pm

My bad goredsox... I didn't mean to imply that quote on you, I was merely responding to your earlier post. :oops:

btw, what's the feeling in "Red Sox Nation" these days? Cautious optimism?
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