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Need help with lineup construction

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 11:10 am
by palacekillers
Take a look at the following team. This team recently had 10 hits for an entire series. I must be doing something wrong.

Playing on Minute Maid field in 2006 strat. Any suggestions?

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 11:23 am
athough, burrell, lee and wells are rhh... they don't have a lot of hits on their cards....

and both burrell and wells are better vs lhp which you are not going to see as much of in your park.....

a couple of drive by comments a saturday morning before yard work.... :D

your switchie and lefty hitters get no help from your park either.

i particularly don't like councel, around 22 hits vs rhp or furcal who is slightly better vs rhp but gets no help vs rhp...

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 2:25 pm
by geekor
honestly, I don't like that team at all. It would really b best if you post this before the season starts, and the cap penalty is too much now to do much fixing.

Your SP staff is adequate enough, but the bullpen cannot pick up the slack. You see you cheap specialists are seein much much too many innings fo how many games were played. If Vogelsong is available to replace stanton, do it, now. For the best bullpen, you want Rivera avoid before 8th ,slow hook, setup adn closer. You want Street avoid before 6th slow hook. Your hard R and L avoid before 7th, avoid their bad side, quick hook and max 1-2 innings. Then you need 1 more guy to come in beofre the 6th when your sp gets knocked around. Stanton is not that guy, someone like Vogelsong, K Wood, Vargas, someone.

You hitin is geared at hitting lefties better, which is not a good thing since in MM you usually face many more RH hitters. You need R who hit RHP better. Whenever I play MM, Arod is always my first pick, but too late for that. Mora, Lee and Lee are decent, Ichiro is the type of LH you want. Whose leading off and batting #2? Your best hitter (D Lee) should be third, but whose in front of him? Ichiro can be 1 or 2 vs L, but does not have enough OBP to bat on top vs R.
Burrel is good vs L, in fact vs L I would bat him 2nd with Ichiro first, but he is a #6 or 7 hitter vs R.

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:19 pm
by palacekillers
It just goes to show you how if you asked 10 guys for their ideal lineup in any park you would get 10 totally differnet sets of players.

I asked about Minute Maid 2006 before drafting and had several championship teams to look at. I drafted most of the players that were common to those teams and now it seems that no one likes those players, even though there have been teams in the past that have won with a similar lineup.

I appreciate the tips at the end there, Geekor. If anyone else has any constructive comments I'd appreciate those as well. Save the shreddings for someone else please.

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 9:11 pm
by The Turtle
I think Geekor was being a little harsh there, the team has flaws but is sound in most areas, gotta let the guy go with players he likes a little bit. I did agree before the season that you needed to rid yourself of Counsell and Furcal, now i think it is hurting you a little bit, you LH lineup is great , but you need some OBP and a leadoff guy vs RH.

I sent you a PM today almost exactly saying what geekor did about the bullpen need more innings from street less from the cheapies and I think you will be OK

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:30 am
by palacekillers
Right on Turtle. I made the bullpen adjustments. I also tried to use the strategy that you sent me about stacking the runners with * (hold) to try and help my other hitters. I haven't seen much difference in that league, but in my other league it is helping tremendously.

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:46 am
by geekor
Sorry, it's just he way I build tam in my head. When I've played enough of a season, you know what players should be batting in what spots. When I build teams, I look at heir defense, and what their ideal spot is in a lineup. Especilly at what would be the top 5 spots of my lineup. Some peices work well tha you have, but others don't compliment those peices. I don't like the team doesn't even mean it wont do well. I just don't see enough OBP on top, or enough hitting vs righties to make me like it.

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:54 pm
by The Turtle
I agree with that assessment geekor, the team really needs someone to leadoff vs righties, when you dole it out vs lefties it is not too bad. As for the not enough righty hitting batters, I don't think that mattered as much in 2006 because so few people went with match up pitchers like they did in 2002 (03)and 2003 (04)