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Yanks to catch Sox? (Strat comeback models?)

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:46 pm
by The Biomechanical Man
On tonight's Yanks-Red Sox ESPN game, they said that the Yankees comeback from a 14–game deficit in 1978 was the greatest comeback in MLB since they split into divisions in 1969. I just enjoyed a season like that (a strong exception to [url=]
Fox's First Immutable Law[/url]). It was a 2007 Strat league - with a bunch of vet friends including F.O.X.

I went with US Cell and built a team of Zambrano plus a bunch of homerun hitters. It was against convention to spend so much on a SP, but I was hoping to use Z in Game 1 and 5 in the playoffs. Well, when the season was about half over, the last thing I had to worry about was Game 5 of the playoffs.

So after 75 games I downgraded Zambrano to Pettitte, upgraded Uribe to Furcal, and made a few minor tweaks. [url=]My team[/url] went on a tear, and won the division by 6 games!

First 75 games: 34-41 15-GAMES-BEHIND
Last 87 games: 57-30
Total season: 91-71 Won division by 6 games

I ended up losing the semis in 5 games. (Could’ve used Z for Game 5.)

Has anyone else had a comeback like this in Strat?

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:36 am
by durantjerry
I have a current team that was 37-44, built on offense and defense. Hudson was a dud at #4 even with great defense and offense. Someone cut Wang, I cut C Crawford(back on 5/4), giving me a Wang, Bush, Peavy & Becket rotation. Denofrio and Winn are hitting about .330, Wang is 8-4 and the rest of my squad came alive. Currently on a 38-10 tear to be 75-54, 3 games up(knock on wood). I also had more of a '69 Mets(or whenever the Phils collapsed) comeback in ATG II, winning the division and title when I was seven games out with nine to go with no shot at thw WC.
