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One of my Catchers, Brad Ausmus ...

Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:13 pm
by Charley King
I just finished a 2006 season and did miserably. In review of my Londonderry Catlicks team I saw something I could not believe. Brad Ausmus a defense 1(0)e1 led my team in errors with 21. How is it possible!!??? It certainly may change my drafting for defense in the future.

Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:40 pm
by geekor
Wow, that seems a bit unlikely??
Could you post a link to your team?
go to statistics, then click on your team and post that URL (should have a ?user_id=xxx at the end where xxx is your team id).

Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:10 pm
by Mean Dean
He's a 4e25 at 1B and 5e41 at 2B. If he got significant time at either of those positions (especially 2B), he would rack up errors.