Fairly new to Strat. Just how bad is this team?

Fairly new to Strat. Just how bad is this team?

Postby gkamens » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:25 pm


14 games under .500. Outscored by only 19 on season. I'm guessing there is something simple i'm over looking here
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Postby Palmtana » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:36 pm

One oddity is the fact that 2/3 of your pitching $ is going towards RP's. Your RP's have thrown 1/4 of your innings.
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:34 pm

It is pretty bad, but hey.....It's your first team. Did you check out the Advice for Newbie thread?

I can't figure out why Tomko has pitched at all. You have better RP and a better 4 man rotation. When you have 4 *SP you only need a 50¢ SP to stick in the #5 rotation spot and he will never pitch.

You never need 3 catchers. There is a rule that if your starting C is injured your backup can never become injured until your starter is healthy again. Therefore it is a waste of money to have 3 catchers. You have a 3 fielder at 2B and SS. Not a good idea. You should have a 1 or a 2 fielder at 2B, CF & SS generally speaking. I don't reccomend a 4 at the corner OF spots either unless his name is Manny. You can get by with a 4 at C, 1B or 3B only IMO.

Take a look at the better teams in your league to get an idea of how to put together a better team. Read the boards for helpful hints and read the Newbie thread for sure.
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Postby gkamens » Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:47 pm

Thanks for the insight. Was thinking the same thing as far as defense up the middle, as well as Tomko being a problem.
Got Victor in what is probably an inefficiant platoon 1b v Righties C v lefties.

Have 2 07 teams, and soon to be 4 06 teams. Basically just trying use different "styles" to see what works and what doesn't. Obv what I'm doing with this team isn't working.

Def agree and have thought everything u mentioned was true, but when I look at the Run differential being only 19 and being 14 games under .500 has made me question things a little bit.

love the game and still learning, hopefully by 08 I'll be decent. lol
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Postby the splinter » Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:30 pm

You also over spent in the pen...by a bunch. You need a decent closer(Street/Wickman are the years cheapest effective closers) a good innings eater or 2 and 3 match up guys who cost a million or less. Total outlay....9-12 million.
the splinter
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