Alphabet Draft League - DRAFTING - Keyzick is up

Well I'll see if this will fly this year. It's a bit complicated, but fun none the less.
80 mil, DH, 5/10/20, draft all 25 players. All people must keep exactly 25 players on their team year round.
We will draft according to the the alphabet (Last Names only). So if on your turn it is "A", you must draft a player whose last name begins with an "A". Then the next person drafts a "B", the next a "C", etc etc. After Z we will start back at A again. Obviously some letters have 0 and some have just a few, so some people will get stuck with crappy players they don't want. Well that's part of the draft. Once a letter is gone, we will skip that letter from then on (ie X will skipped from the beginning because there are none)
But there is help in the form of 2 kinds of passes:
1) the Free pass: Everyone gets [b:99a2527f49]3[/b:99a2527f49] free passes to use for the entire draft. Once used up, too bad. You can use them whenever you wish to skip ahead one letter (ie if you get Z you could Free pass ahead to the A). You can only use 1 Free pass per turn (ie you cannot skip from Z to B).
2) Letter Pass: If you get to a letter you have already drafted before, you can skip ahead 1 letter (ie if you already drafted an A you can skip ahead to a B). Once again only one Letter pass can be used per turn (even if you already drafted an A and a B you cannot skip both and get to C).
You can combine the 2 passes to get ahead twice though (ie you are on Z, but drafted an A earlier you could free pass Z, letter pass A and get to B).
[i:99a2527f49]EDIT: Remember we are drafting all 25 players. If for some reason you have to draft a player you cannot afford. You will first have to drop your highest salary player for one of the same letter that's cheaper, then pick up your current letter. Be careful, the first time we did this (02 year I think) I go stuck with a "J" I couldn't afford and had to drop ARod :([/i:99a2527f49]
After the draft if you want to change players, you MUST drop a letter for a letter. If you want to drop an R player, you can only for another R player. That mean say you want to drop Crawford for Berkman, and Bush for Capellan. You cannot go in that order. You have to go Crawford to Capellan then Bush to Berkman. Letter for same Letter. So if you get stuck drafting a Z you don't like, there will be no one to swap him for, so too bad. You can trade same letter players, but once again the letter must match up (no A for F, must be A and F for A and F).
I hope the rules are clear.
Letters that will get used up completely: i, q, u, y, z
Please sign up below with your name and pick a letter. You can sign up in any spot. The first player will draft first regardless, whoever wins the random draw will get that letter as the start letter.
6. geekor - O
80 mil, DH, 5/10/20, draft all 25 players. All people must keep exactly 25 players on their team year round.
We will draft according to the the alphabet (Last Names only). So if on your turn it is "A", you must draft a player whose last name begins with an "A". Then the next person drafts a "B", the next a "C", etc etc. After Z we will start back at A again. Obviously some letters have 0 and some have just a few, so some people will get stuck with crappy players they don't want. Well that's part of the draft. Once a letter is gone, we will skip that letter from then on (ie X will skipped from the beginning because there are none)
But there is help in the form of 2 kinds of passes:
1) the Free pass: Everyone gets [b:99a2527f49]3[/b:99a2527f49] free passes to use for the entire draft. Once used up, too bad. You can use them whenever you wish to skip ahead one letter (ie if you get Z you could Free pass ahead to the A). You can only use 1 Free pass per turn (ie you cannot skip from Z to B).
2) Letter Pass: If you get to a letter you have already drafted before, you can skip ahead 1 letter (ie if you already drafted an A you can skip ahead to a B). Once again only one Letter pass can be used per turn (even if you already drafted an A and a B you cannot skip both and get to C).
You can combine the 2 passes to get ahead twice though (ie you are on Z, but drafted an A earlier you could free pass Z, letter pass A and get to B).
[i:99a2527f49]EDIT: Remember we are drafting all 25 players. If for some reason you have to draft a player you cannot afford. You will first have to drop your highest salary player for one of the same letter that's cheaper, then pick up your current letter. Be careful, the first time we did this (02 year I think) I go stuck with a "J" I couldn't afford and had to drop ARod :([/i:99a2527f49]
After the draft if you want to change players, you MUST drop a letter for a letter. If you want to drop an R player, you can only for another R player. That mean say you want to drop Crawford for Berkman, and Bush for Capellan. You cannot go in that order. You have to go Crawford to Capellan then Bush to Berkman. Letter for same Letter. So if you get stuck drafting a Z you don't like, there will be no one to swap him for, so too bad. You can trade same letter players, but once again the letter must match up (no A for F, must be A and F for A and F).
I hope the rules are clear.
Letters that will get used up completely: i, q, u, y, z
Please sign up below with your name and pick a letter. You can sign up in any spot. The first player will draft first regardless, whoever wins the random draw will get that letter as the start letter.
6. geekor - O