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PETCO Advise

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:52 pm
Put together my First PETCO Team for this year to use in the Players Championship Round 2 $100 Million Cap. Not much left to choose from. I grabbed High OBP, Some Power and plenty of Double Hitters. Let me know if I have a chance with this group. I have McAfee, Rogers Centre and Jacobs Field in my Division. Thanks, SGT D

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:51 am
Sorry, forgot the link.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 8:55 am
by visick
Derek Lowe is NOT the SP you want in Petco. You "ideally" want guys that do not give up hits.

Hitting wise, you've got too many BP dependant guys. (Lee, Thome and Thomas)

You are carrying 3 DH's. Lee/Thomas and Thome. I know Lee and Thome have positions but they are bad with the glove, esp. Lee. (Not good in your park)

I think you've built a hitting team here, one made for the Cell, NOT Petco.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:06 am
by geekor
You've got some good peices, but may more than you need. Lee should NEVER be in the field, and Thomas is a DH only, one needs to go. Thome, I actually like, becasue he kills RHP anywhere. Miggy is good, but then you have Wright too, once again way too many pieces.

I would keep your core of Thome (or Overbay, but personally prefer Thome) Utley, LoDuca, Miggy, Reyes and 1 DH (Lee?Wright?) and the try to trade the rest tp upgrade you weak points, pitching and the OF.