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Franchise theme League Draft open

Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:38 pm
by vince0501
Draft order- Round 1
1. vince0501 (Min/Milw)
2. wwwetz (Phil/Pitt)
3. djl3737 (NYY/NYM)
4. Frank M (Dodgers/Angels)
5. 2cityfan (ChiSox/Cubs)
6. gstanis (Fla/ TB)
7. buster j (Clev/Cinci)
8. bbasebrawl (Balt/Wash)
9. jcmoney (Detroit/Toronto)
10. misterg78582 (Hou/ Tex)
11. Al E Bear (Atl/ Bos)
12. jack (Giants / A's)

Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:40 pm
by vince0501
I will make pick in a little while. Open for offers. Looking for left side of infield and OF help. Anyone need a first baseman, or starting pitching. :wink:
Trade clarification

Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:37 pm
by 2cityfan
I just posted trade clarification on the previous thread.. I think it is consistent with what we all agreed to...
I thought we were only going to allow trades of free agent players... I have 2 good 3b's to pick from, but I can't offer them to you because Crede and Ramirez cannot play for the Min/Milw franchise... just like I cannot draft any players from Minnesota or Milwaukee.. just because they are not on your active roster does not mean you give up your exclusive rights to those players..
There are a couple of really good 3b's, OF's in the free agent pool, and a good SS.. I am sure you can fill your gaps through this live draft..

Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:46 pm
by vince0501
I wish I would have seen that earlier. I hate leagues with no trading, as I am bored silly after the season starts. This is no trading as essentially only the handful of free agents are tradeable. I will stick it out, because it's so late in the game, and won't bail on you. Just blowing a free credit. It will be awhile before I cna pick though as work keeps interrupting.
Just my luck first time I ever get a number 1 pick and I can't even have fun making a trade. :roll:
What do you want to do?

Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:53 pm
by 2cityfan
I'm sorry Vince, I don't really understand what you want.. I have been flexible because this is supposed to be for fun right?... You did not want to violate the eligible for my assigned franchise only rule with free agents not on active rosters.. it seems inconsistent you would have a problem not allowing players to play outside their assigned franchises as a result of a trade... It's not too late... Let me know what you want to do.. My preference would be to stick to the franchise exclusivity rule... and only allow free agent trades...

Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:56 pm
Its why its called a THEME league.

Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:10 pm
by vince0501
no need to change anything. It is your league, and I misunderstood the rules. The quote I posted earlier was my basis for understanding trades were Ok as long as we had the minimum 20 on our roster.
I did not clarify, and that is my fault.
Frank, I do understand that this is a theme, but I have done similar themes with trading allowed. (within the roster limits)

Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:11 pm
by bbasebrawl
I agree with 2cityfan on this one

Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:37 pm
If we are all COOL!!! Which we are. 8) LETS DRAFT!!!!!!! :D

Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:40 pm
by 2cityfan
I know you got a lot of choices... are you ready to go?