2007 Baseball Strato Team / Manager Strategy

2007 Baseball Strato Team / Manager Strategy

Postby Renitlah » Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:02 am

So I have been playing 2007 Strat online, but I continue to lose. I believe I am drafting decent teams, but I can't get it together. Here's my team playing at Shea. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for Manager Strategy and my lineup? Thanks!

Pitching Staff:
Liriano, Francisco L S6/R3/C0 E
Sanchez, Anibal R S6 1R
Clemens, Roger R S6 4R
Wang, Chien-Ming R S6*/R3/C0 E
Ohka, Tomo R S5 1R
Lester, Jon L S5 9R
Ryan, B.J. L R1/C6 2L
Nathan, Joe R R1/C6 3R
Wainwright, Adam R R2/C2 9R
Tankersley, Taylor L R1/C2 3R
Beimel, Joe L R2/C1 3L

Hitters (13)
Redmond, Mike R C 2(0)e1 3L
Matheny, Mike R C 1(-1)e1 4L
Hill, Aaron R 2B 3e11 E
Prado, Martin R 2B 4e24 3L
German, Esteban R 3B 4e32 1L
Punto, Nick S 3B 2e17 2L
Eckstein, David R SS 3e8 1R
Holliday, Matt R LF 4(0)e7 1R
Diaz, Matt R LF 4(+1)e10 2R
Stewart, Shannon R LF 3(+3)e5 E
Podsednik, Scott I L LF 4(+2)e11 2R
Escobar, Alex R CF 3(-1)e8 5L
Pierre, Juan L CF 2(+3)e0 E
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Postby visick » Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:28 am

What park are you playing in?

also...copy/paste your team here. (go to Statistics page, left click on your team, then right click the team link or url on top of the page. Copy it and then paste it here.

You've spent a bit more than average ($44.67) just on your pitching.
If you are in a hitting park, this could be a problem. It could even hurt you in the other parks.


I started with the above and then realized you really are gonna have a hard time hitting RH's.
You defense is...well frankly...terrible.

Redmond is fine as is Escobar. But everybody else is really bad.

German is OK @ 2B because he will usually hit well to overcome his D.

Diaz and Holliday are DH's.

Pierre is terrible.

****I just re-read your post and saw that you are in Shea. No wonder you are having problems.***
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Postby visick » Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:34 am

In large stadiums, ie pitching parks like Shea, your defense needs to shine.

This usually means, a 1 or 2 defensively at SS/2B and CF. A - arm in CF also helps.

You need guys that can hit for average, and not be BP dependant. Look for guys that hit doubles and get OB.

Redmond is a very good choice here.
German is a very good choice here too...to DH. You could use him @ 2B and fins a late inning defenssive replacement.

Diaz is a good choice here too, but probably a DH.

Holliday as well.

Escobar hits anywhere and is great.

Pierre doesn't get OB enough and has a +3 arm.
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Postby geekor » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:18 am

You defense is one suspect. Actually I have been playing German almost exclusively at 2b, but I run with a good def SS. Having 2 3's at the 2 most def dependent positions (SS is #1, 2b is #2) isn't good. Couple that with a noodle arm in CF, it isn't good. Having a 4 in the field in the OF isn't generally good, as the hits they give up tend to turn into double or triples. I do it myself, but generally try to avoid it if I can.

You bullpen is overloaded. There is no reason to have 2 expensive closers. You would have been better off saving 3 mil and having a good R2 setup man like R Soriano, or Shields.

Actually from the looks of it German is playing 1b? with Hill at 2nd, Esckstein at Ss and Punto at 3b?

I would try to trade a closer + either Eck, Hill or Punto to upgrade 1 position offensively. I would be slow hooking at least your top 3 SP's (if not maybe top 4) and have a cheap bullpen with 1 stud closer to maximize your $$ better.

Also another thing (can't see your division since you've left no link) is that usually people face 70%+ RH pitching. Your team is geared to hit lefties better. You really need a LH hitter in there to kill righties, something you do not have at all.
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2007 First Attempt

Postby bczehnder » Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:08 pm


I won a free entry in 2006 and decide to try 2007.

Here is my team before opening day starts next Monday. Can u suggest if this looks legit or have any suggestions.

I choose the Metrodome as my park.

4 starters only on 3 days rest
K Rod Save both sides closer aggressive
with Benitez and Cassidy setup with conservative

Halladay, Roy R S7* 3.19 1.10 1R 7.56M
Webb, Brandon R S7* 3.10 1.13 2R 6.93M
Oswalt, Roy R S7* 1L 5.25M
Schmidt, Jason R S7* 3.59 1.26 E 4.03M
Gonzalez, Edgar R S7/R3 4.22 1.27 1L .92M
Rodriguez, Francisco R R1/C6 1.73 1.10 4R 4.92M
Lidge, Brad R R1/C5 5.28 1.40 5R .60M
Cassidy, Scott R R2 2.53 1.36 5L .59M
Isringhausen, Jason R R1/C5 3.55 1.46 4R .50M
Benitez, Armando R R1/C4 3.52 1.57 E .50M

Estrada, Johnny S C 4(+1)e1 .302 .328 .444 1R 2.43M Start
Navarro, Dioner S C 3(0)e4 .254 .332 .354 2L .61M
Helton, Todd L 1B 2e5 .302 .404 .476 E 5.99M Start
Cano, Robinson L 2B 3e13 .342 .365 .525 4R 4.24M Start
Rodriguez, Alex R 3B 3e27 .290 .392 .523 1L 5.87M Start
Young, Michael R SS 3e14 .314 .356 .459 1R 3.97M Start
Peralta, Jhonny R SS 4e18 .257 .323 .385 E .50M
Holliday, Matt R LF 4(0)e7 .326 .387 .586 1R 6.75M Start
Lee, Carlos R LF 5(+1)e7 .300 .355 .540 2R 5.15M DH
Damon, Johnny L CF 2(+2)e4 .285 .359 .482 1L 5.12M Start
Griffey Jr., Ken L CF 3(0)e8 .252 .316 .486 3R 1.02M Righty PH
Bloomquist, Willie R CF 3(0)e3 .247 .320 .299 E .62M PR
Rios, Alex R RF 2(-3)e1 .302 .349 .516 E 5.10M Start
Mench, Kevin R RF 4(+1)e3 .269 .313 .419 2L .78M Lefty PH
Last edited by bczehnder on Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby geekor » Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:22 pm

please post a link to your team. There is no real way we can help much without seeing the FA's available to you.

go to the statistics page and click on your team there. Copy that URL, it should have a ?userid=xxxx at the end of it where the xxx is numbers (that number is all we really need).

that being siad, all 3's up the middle, a 4 in LF and no middle relief = bad combination.
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