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Record For Most In-Season Moves

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:59 am
Anyone know what the record is for "In-Season" moves is? I am playing with a guy who has made 101 In-Season moves from June 2 thru June 23 so far. It looks like a record and this is with NO trades :shock: . SGT D

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:48 am
by Mean Dean
Isn't there a limit?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:07 am
by The Turtle
with a 95% drop and only .5 guys that would still be more than 25 million in lost salary

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:18 am
by Stoney18
From the help section. There is a limit.

[quote:ff17c9e1bc]Yes. No more than 125 distinct players may spend time on your team throughout the course of the regular season. [/quote:ff17c9e1bc]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:27 am
He's up to 109 In-Season moves from June 2 thru June 24 with NO TRADES. With there being a 125 move limit I am going to guess that someone must have made more moves than that a long time ago. SGT D

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:35 pm
by Mean Dean
I guess if that's the rule, you can make all the moves you want as long as they involve players you've had on the team previously.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:09 am
by garykeithron
"He's up to 109 In-Season moves from June 2 thru June 24 with NO TRADES. With there being a 125 move limit I am going to guess that someone must have made more moves than that a long time ago."

SGT D, didn't you talk to him yet about value?? :wink:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:00 pm
by chasenally
One guy complained that he could no longer make anymore moves. He put that out here about 2 years ago. He was told that 125 moves was it, so he must have the record with 125. He also was not near the end of the season at that point if I remember correctly.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:47 am
Don't forget ... when you look at "number of transactions" for a player ... that means a drop and add.

It appears that he can make 250 moves (add/drop) which is equal to the 125 player limit.
