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Visiting Toronto ...

Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:32 pm
by ArrylT
Just a brief FYI that I'll be in downtown Toronto (Ontario) from Tuesday evening through Thursday afternoon July 3rd-5th.
If you're in the Toronto area and want to get together for drinks/lunch/whatever - send me an PM before Tuesday morning and I'll give you my contact info and we can try and arrange a meeting.
Also - any recommendations on good but inexpensive restaurants and exhibits/events in the Toronto area would be welcome.

Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:37 pm
by Detroit-Tigers
Kids or not?
Riverdale Farm
Walk along the LakeFront
Walk down Yonge Street (lots of neat shops & such)
Eaton Center
Not Free:
CN Tower
Science Center
Hockey Hall of Fame
Phantom of The Opera
Don't think the Blue Jays are in town. Anyways I sent my contact info via PM. I think BobM is from here too.

Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:46 pm
by ArrylT
No kids - just myself. :)
I don't think I've ever done the LakeFront or Riverdale Farm, definitely have yet to do CN Tower ... was thinking of that since soon it will no longer be the tallest man made structure. :(
Bummer about the Blue Jays - have yet to see the Skydome.
Thanks for your post & I replied to the PM. :)

Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:35 pm
kinda late for me to be reading this.. my bad.. would have been good to actually "meet" some fellow SOMers.. actually I was in NYC this past weekend for a Yankee game... DT gave you a pretty good list... not sure if u might be a soccer fan.. but the FIFA under 20 World cup is going on this week... I understand it is a tough ticket to get but worthwhile to see...