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Question about Strat on-line

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:52 am
by alfresco_9491
I'm new to Strat on-line. Are all the games auto-played? Are there leagues I can join through Sporting News that play head-to-head?

When I go to the classifieds at the SOM website, I see very few league openings.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:19 pm
by LMBombers
Welsome alfresco.

There are no head-to-head games here at TSN/SOM. You purchase a team and create your draft card from the player pool. You then join a league and wait for it to fill. When the league gets 12 teams that have joined the auto-draft is run that night. The next morning you get to see what players you got and what players you missed on. The games are auto played but you get to set your team settings as well as individual player settings which the computor generally sticks to. Sometimes he leaves your SP in longer than you would have or pulls him before you would have but overall it works very good. He makes the same good or bad decisions for all the teams so it evens out over the course of the season.

The leagues are run in the middle of the night. Every night you play a 3 game series vs another team in the league. The winners of the three divisions make the playoffs as well as a wild card team which is the team with the best record that didn't win a division.

Check out the FAQ of the 2007 game for more:

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:26 pm
by alfresco_9491
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm still very interested, although I was hoping for head-to-head play.

Just one more question....I'm looking at the Excel spreadsheet that gives player stats and fielding ratings and I see a column headed "BAL." What does that refer to?

Thanks again.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:18 pm
by Page2
Hi alfresco,

I think there is an Excel spreadsheet not sure how you lay your hands on it. As far as the BAL it shows which hand a hitter or a pitcher does the best against. From this years set Chris Duncan is a BAL 9R that means he hits right handed pitching much better than he does left handed pitching. Same goes for a pitcher John Patterson 9R is tough against RH hitters.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:20 pm
That's a SN provided spreadsheet. I've seen it before, and I surfed to it somehow ... but I've never been able to get back to it and save it.

It does exist. I used it in ATG II and the '03 and '05 seasons. I have no clue why it is hidden.

Now, if I could only figure out how to surf back to it. grrrr.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:55 pm
by SkipChurch
I downloaded the Excel spreadsheet from the Strat-O-Matic main page before I signed up, and it is very handy. I've just hunted all around and darned if I can find it now. I do EVERYTHING in Excel, especially equalize player into "per 9 innings" or "per 660 ABs."

You'd think I get enough of Excel at work!

But Nooooo....

Maybe you can only get to the spreadsheet BEFORE you sign up? But that would be [i:5d68749744]crazy[/i:5d68749744], right?

So it's there somewhere.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:34 pm
by xtrap
To view the excel spreadsheet again.. just [b:e5812dcd1e]log out[/b:e5812dcd1e] and go back to the SOM 2007 homepage. Welcome to SOM!
