I just wanted to give you an update on some of the technical solutions we are engineering to keep the Strat-O-Matic Baseball family of games running as smoothly and problem-free as possible.
- On-the-fly backups
Instead of relying on a nightly backup of our entire database, which takes a long time for our DBA to restore in the case of a major problem, we're implementing a system whereby each individual league stores a backup of its own essential data right before it plays its games each night. That way if something goes wrong and any live data is corrupted, we can much more easily restore that specific league's backup and start fresh.
- Redundant off-site monitors
We've had automatic monitor software that checks to make sure that the 5pm Waivers deadline and 10pm team settings deadline are processed successfully every day, and sends an alert to my cell-phone in the event of a problem. We will be installing the monitor in two different places as opopsed to one, and making sure that they are [i:3de77cab56]off-site[/i:3de77cab56] so that a hypothetical SportingNews.com network problem doesn't take them down with it.
- Danger, Will Robinson
We're gonna put a simple failsafe that halts the running of games for any leagues if the 10pm team settings deadline was not processed successfully. Just as a last-ditch defense.
- Optimization (again!) of nightly league processing
3 months ago we improved the nightly processing of your leagues by [url=http://forums.sportingnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=196178]investing in new hardware[/url], and slapping on our software, and things ran faster just by virtue of the faster machines. But we haven't even taken advantage of the more advanced architecture of the new machines. We're almost done re-compiling our software for the new architecture, and when we put it in place, games should (presumably) play even faster. I say "presumably" because this is mostly theoretical so far; I'll know more when we do our testing.
We have either completed or are close to completing all of the above projects. Again, we hope they keep your SOM experience as smooth, problem-free, and enjoyable as possible.
Bernie H.