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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:38 pm

I'm doing a lot better in my second year, but I have one team that is doing poorly, and it is not that different from one of my teams that is doing quite well. take a look and see what you think. My division is mostly hitters parks except me, and i face about 65% lefties with a righty on the mound. I don't know if I need to make a move, or just wait til my luck evens out.
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Postby the splinter » Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:03 pm

I think you have some good and some less than good going on here ....

Less than good...

Your D. You have 2 4's and a 3 in the infield and all 3's on the OF(including CF with 7 E's...that's a lot). Kotsay or Taveras would be much better for you. This D will hurt you in the long run...even in a pitchers park like ATT.

I hate to be too negative but I think your staff is bad with the exclusion of Hoffman. Even with the protection of ATT your SP all give up way too many natural dingers. This is evident by your HR's allowed vs. homers hit. An over 2:1 ratio to the neg spells doom. I haven't found any of your relievers to be productive (other than Hoff who is great for the $) in 07.

The real bad news is that in order to correct these issues you would have to dump some big bats...which leads us to.....

Don't cut Hafner, Cabrera(ugh.. you might have to) or Abreu!!! You drafted some good offensive cards for your park....but I think you are too LH'ed vs. RHP(only 3 RHH vs.RHP).

In order to correct what I think is your will have to cut either Cabrera or German! I know....insanity ain't it. They are the most moveable due to their high dollar value and poorer D. I'd think you could cut German for any number of 2b with 2/14e or less and pocket some coin to upgrade SP while improving your middle D. Two birds one stone. Plus you already have Abreu for lead off. Same for Cabrera but he's such a great card and 3b D is less important than 2b that I would really be pressed to move him....but you could really gather some bucks for pitching by moving him.

My 2 cents...GL.
the splinter
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby geekor » Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:38 pm

I disagree, I love a lot of those players. your top 4 in the lineup (German, Abreu, Hafner, Cabrera) are a ton of OB. I think you are missing a good #5 guy who could drive in more runs. Tucker/Cruz is a waste as it is just more OB, you need some guys with hits + tb's to drive in those high OB at thet op you already have.

You do need better Cf def for sure, Taveras is a big upgrade. Gload, Quinlan, VMart are better 1b options and R johnson, En chavez, or no def, Diaz or Alou are good LF options.

I like you pitching actually, assuming.... there are more pitchers parks in your division/league. if you're in a league full of Cells/Citizans, you're in trouble.

I much prefer edgar Gonzalez over Buck as your 5th SP, and if there are some hiters parks in your division you could change Qualls to Correia. To save some more $$ you could move to Duchscherer as your closer.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby chasenally » Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:46 am

I only got 38 HR's out of Hafner for a whole season last time around in a hitters park. WOW make sure you keep him!
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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