1st 2007 Team - Any coaching suggestions from the Forum?

1st 2007 Team - Any coaching suggestions from the Forum?

Postby LA Bear » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:45 pm


All inputs will be greatly appreciated. This is my 1st 2007 team. The lineup so far pre-waivers looks something like:

Abreu - rf
German - 2b
Ortiz - sh
Posada - c
Suzuki - cf
Anderson - 1b
Crede - 3b
Stewart - lf
Vizquel - ss

the other stadiums in my division are 2 Jacobs and a Fenway...
LA Bear
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Postby geekor » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:16 pm

pre-waiver you have a lot of good pieces. I'd look for a better value C, 1b and get a decent LF, obviously you need a bullpen and to shore up that SP staff after Santana, but a very good core.
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Postby chasenally » Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:35 am

You are going to lose alot of hits in your ballpark. You play 81 games there. Ortiz is a great pick but will under perform some with BPHR's in Dolphin Stadium. You will need a much better bullpen. I have taken hitters all the time in pitchers parks by looking at the cards and think they will over come the park and they don't! You will need better pitching all around. Give up one big money hitter (not Ortiz he rocks) and get a great closer. I don't know enough about your defense but they need to be good up the middle. Keep Vizquel you will need him (great pick there ) Your 2B will hurt you big time. Suzuki is also great NO one will run on you with him in CF. You are in a pitchers park and defense and pitching is where you need it the most. Again get a great, I mean great closer. If you can't get one by free agent deadline look to trade a player for one because you never want to drop a player and lose 20% of your cap unless you have to. If you were in a hitters park I would say stand pat with what you have. I have been in 2 leagues in 07 and most everyone is playing in pitchers park. Great hitters but will be beat by pitching and defense IMHO. Good Luck and hope you like the game. I have really enjoyed playing this game. By the way I am only a 24 rating and have made the playoffs once with 8 teams so take me for what I am. Helpful but not even close to the Guru's of this game and there are many, many better at help than I am. Listen to those that know, they are very helpful and almost all that play this game are very nice and want to see you succeed and play for along time. May the rolls go your way.
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Postby LA Bear » Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:10 pm

Thanks for the feedback. Waivers have now closed, and we are in the lull before the season starts:



Any suggestions on the line-up, I'd be interested. I think the bottom is pretty set. I'm wonering what would be the best slot for Ichiro #2, #3 or maybe #6. Any thoughts?
LA Bear
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Postby Jerlins » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:54 pm

While your OBP is good, you won't have enough pop to drive them in once you get past Ortiz. No natural power, not enough doubles, you'll be hard pressed to score runs. While some teams might had success, I've found most teams going with the Punch and Judy approach have failed miserably in 07. Your D is good, your staff adequate (though you have no LH SP's), but your closer isn't exactly ideal for your park either. Overall I think you need pop in the lineup to compete.
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Postby LA Bear » Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:06 am

Thanks Jerlins, I went doubles shopping and added Youkilis, Lowell and Gonzo to the team. That should add to the doubles production after Ortiz. I'm interested in how you mean my closer is not well suited for the for the ballpark. I have a few extra $'s and I want to make the right move here if I make a change. Thanks again, LA Bear
LA Bear
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Postby Jerlins » Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:42 am

Actually, if Overbay is available, I think he'd be a perfect fit. As for Ray, well, he has 7 points of ballpark HR's on his card vs LH's, as well as a natural on the 5 roll. He may have success, but I've always been of the mind to have a stuc closer in a pitchers park. Runs are a little scarcer so more often than not, games should be tight. Plus he's right handed, so when lefties or switch hitters are out and about in your park, you're just giving them an unneeded advantage, however slight it might be. Not that Dolphins is a feast for LH, but I'd still want to be turning the likes of Berkman, Beltran, etc over to batting RH in your park.

Some players you might want to look at if available:
C: Pierzinski
1st: Overbay
2nd: Probably no one is available that is worth a lick
SS: You're fine
3rd: Again, I'm sure they're gone
LF: I've worked a Gonzo/Ross, Gonzo/Cruz, and Gonzo/Kielty this year.
CF: Perfect
RF: Perfect
DH: Well, you need some pop from the left side, so not many better than Ortiz, though I haven't seen him perform to his card all that much this year, and have heard a small bit of rumblings here on the forums as well. The problem is that if he's not driving them in with a HR, he's not driving them in. Not many hits on his card. He'll be fine though.

Would still prefer a lefty or two on the starting staff. Also, for a cheap RP, Logan Kensing might be a nice fit. A few ballpark HR's, but no ballpark singles on his card, and most of his warts are from walks, not hits. For under a buck, you can do worse.
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Postby LA Bear » Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:44 am

Thanks for all the coaching. I've tweaked it enough, and it's lock and load time. I'm stuck on LoDucca and not AJ because there is about a 50/50 split is SP in my division. The top of the order plus Gonzo will need to do their job. :) LoDucca, Youkalis and Lowell will hopefully keep me competitive against LHPs.

I finally picked up a lefty SP myself. It's Ledezma. He looks like a pretty good fit for my park.

Thanks again for the coaching. I learned a lot. Street should also be a better fit than Ray would have been.

Take care, LA Bear
LA Bear
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