by Jerlins » Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:42 am
Actually, if Overbay is available, I think he'd be a perfect fit. As for Ray, well, he has 7 points of ballpark HR's on his card vs LH's, as well as a natural on the 5 roll. He may have success, but I've always been of the mind to have a stuc closer in a pitchers park. Runs are a little scarcer so more often than not, games should be tight. Plus he's right handed, so when lefties or switch hitters are out and about in your park, you're just giving them an unneeded advantage, however slight it might be. Not that Dolphins is a feast for LH, but I'd still want to be turning the likes of Berkman, Beltran, etc over to batting RH in your park.
Some players you might want to look at if available:
C: Pierzinski
1st: Overbay
2nd: Probably no one is available that is worth a lick
SS: You're fine
3rd: Again, I'm sure they're gone
LF: I've worked a Gonzo/Ross, Gonzo/Cruz, and Gonzo/Kielty this year.
CF: Perfect
RF: Perfect
DH: Well, you need some pop from the left side, so not many better than Ortiz, though I haven't seen him perform to his card all that much this year, and have heard a small bit of rumblings here on the forums as well. The problem is that if he's not driving them in with a HR, he's not driving them in. Not many hits on his card. He'll be fine though.
Would still prefer a lefty or two on the starting staff. Also, for a cheap RP, Logan Kensing might be a nice fit. A few ballpark HR's, but no ballpark singles on his card, and most of his warts are from walks, not hits. For under a buck, you can do worse.