bush league crap

bush league crap

Postby DavidRis » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:46 pm

Has anyone ever had this experience with (name omited) or anyone else for that matter........the guy has the first pick in the wavier draft so he sends an e-mail to evryone saying he's gonna pick Carlos Beltran with the first pick, but doesnt want him and will take a trade. But then he picks vlad g. with the first pick and beltran with the 2nd, knowing nobody will take him first, thus essentially getting two first picks!

Bush league I feel......any opinions otherwise?
Last edited by DavidRis on Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Play By The Rules » Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:32 am

Pretty clever I feel...

Since just about nobody will ever trade in this game anyways.
Play By The Rules
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Postby LMBombers » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:52 am

I had this happen in a league once. I agree that it is very Bush League and dishonest. I don't remember who it was that did it but I'll not be burned by that ruse again.
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Postby Jerlins » Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:05 am

Once in the 06 set, I had first waiver pick with a highly sought A. Jones out there. I didn't come out and specifically say I was taking Jones with the first pick, but did mention in offering out players (including my CF) and was not looking for a CF in return, hoping to give the impression that I was targeting Jones with the first pick. The assumption I was taking him with the first pick allowed me to grab him with pick 2. While that route could have been taken instead of your scenario, I really wouldn't have a problem if it was done to me. If I want a player, I'll toss him on my waiver picks anyways.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:34 am

This is one of the reason I play in leagues almost entirely with my buddies. If someone put that out there in the leagues with my buddies, there wouldn't have been an issue. The general population is tough to trust.....so I dont'!!!

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Postby Valen » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:01 am

If this were done in a league full of my buddies I would know to put Jones #1 on my draft list. I run with a lot of jokesters and scoundrels. :lol:

Seriously, the only problem I find here is that you fell for it. But really when you think about it all he was really doing was offering to trade the #1 pick. You offer him something worthwhile and he will deliver you Beltran. He did not promise to draft Beltran #1 guaranteed if nobody was willing to offer anything for him. The only way I would be upset at what he did would be if we agreed I would give him player X for Beltran and planned my draft accordingly only to find he did not not draft Beltran making dependent trade impossible.
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Postby visick » Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:49 am

Honestly I see your point, but I have no problems with.

He offered to draft/trade Beltran. No one bit.

He knew Beltran would be available to draft after getting who he wanted.

Someone "could" have a change of heart and trade for Beltran. Or he could drop him and have $ leftover to make changes.

I would hesitate to call this bush league myself. You probably should have messaged him before bringing this to the boards.

Are you pissed because you wanted Beltran but didn't want to trade for him?
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Postby askaufman » Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:38 pm

I was in a league in 2006 where a guy emptied his team to help two other guys win the league. Can you say collusion? He got caught and was reprimanded but one of the guys did win. That's bush league. This wouldn't bother me except if it burned a rookie because I don't pay attention to what others say before the draft anyway. :twisted:
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Postby DavidRis » Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:59 pm

All good points.

No, I did not want Beltran....and yes, several people made him trade offers. Even more to the point, I was told, via the league email, that several people made arrangements for the trade with him. He would draft beltran and then trade him to the three different people he promised. Thus, those three did there waviers drafts accordingly and got screwed. Furthermore, people in the league did address him about it, and he basically said deal with it. And when he made the playoffs as a wild card and had tied two others, several people sent email via the league email, pointing out that his bush league moves certainly helped, to which he responded.......deal with it. He apparently did the same thing in an 80's league as well, with Mike Schmidt. He then took schmidt 2nd and raines first accopmlishing the same goal.

But look, my reason for coming to the boards was simply to ask if this was a common practice because I hadn't encountered it before. I just wanted to know if it's something I should watch out for in the wavier draft or if it's rare. Yes, I think it's crappy, but I actually won the league championship, so feedback, not revenge, was my intent.

So, is it clever, and something we all should try, or is it bush league, thus making it something that's frowned upon. To me, that seems to be an ok question to put to the boards.

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Postby keyzick » Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:15 pm

Been following this thread, and didn't really think it sounded bush until we added that last bit of info. Now I'd agree - 100% bush league move by him.

Definitely not a clever play, IMO, but bush league.
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