by geekor » Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:35 am
Look, you have to play to your parks strengths and weaknesses. Fenway is a pitchers park for HR's, so having guys with max (or nearly) BP HR's is a waste. So Ordonez, Bay types need to go (if you are REALLY hard up for OBP you cna keep bay for a leadoff/ #2),
Also as for your pitching, that means if your pitchers have some BP HR's on them, it doesn't matter. What matters is to keep as little baserunners on base as possible. You need low whip pitchers, not high whip low era that you have now. Wang is ok, SChilling is decent, but jennings has way to much OBA, his good point is no BP HR's, but you shouldn't care about that. I would be looking to grab Lowe and Morris to go with your other 2 *'s (of you wish to keep the 4 man rotation).
Honestly I would be making L Scott my #1 waiver claim. The guys is the ONLY true #2 hitter in the set, and owns the most TB's vs RHP in the set. Maybe pick up Theroit as a DH and leadoff (nevermind you have Jeter for that). Helton is overpriced, but is the type of hitter you need to look at. Pick up Grud (cheap and 50 tb's vs R) for a cheap 2b, and Matthews is a better value at CF, than Hunter, or even Kotsay. Escobar is great at RF (backup is needed) when healthy. Rolen (if you need more help vs R) Quinlan (better vs L than R) and Atkins (good vs both) are all decent choices at 3b.
Remember, you will usually face 25-30% LHP, so your team should hit RHP better than lefties, unless you division is weird and unordinary.