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Advice please for a 2007 team

Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:42 pm
by palacekillers
Maybe I'm finally learning. I have until Wednesday at 5:00 to make waiver claims so please help me figure out what to do with this team. Homefield is Fenway park.
I'm thinking of dropping Ward, Ordonez, and Markakis and going for new CF and RF. My top three in center would be Wells, Jones, and Hunter. I have no clue on RF. DH may wind up being Pujols if I have enough money. I also need to drop Escobar for another * pitcher.
Thoughts please!

Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:19 pm
by chasenally
You need to look at your pitching. You have not one left handed pitcher for starting or relief. As it stands right now your defense is weak and too many 3's and 4's everywhere giving you not much range and giving up even more hits. You will need a 1 in CF with and minus arm. Good Luck in waviers and may the rolls be with you.

Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:35 am
by geekor
Look, you have to play to your parks strengths and weaknesses. Fenway is a pitchers park for HR's, so having guys with max (or nearly) BP HR's is a waste. So Ordonez, Bay types need to go (if you are REALLY hard up for OBP you cna keep bay for a leadoff/ #2),
Also as for your pitching, that means if your pitchers have some BP HR's on them, it doesn't matter. What matters is to keep as little baserunners on base as possible. You need low whip pitchers, not high whip low era that you have now. Wang is ok, SChilling is decent, but jennings has way to much OBA, his good point is no BP HR's, but you shouldn't care about that. I would be looking to grab Lowe and Morris to go with your other 2 *'s (of you wish to keep the 4 man rotation).
Honestly I would be making L Scott my #1 waiver claim. The guys is the ONLY true #2 hitter in the set, and owns the most TB's vs RHP in the set. Maybe pick up Theroit as a DH and leadoff (nevermind you have Jeter for that). Helton is overpriced, but is the type of hitter you need to look at. Pick up Grud (cheap and 50 tb's vs R) for a cheap 2b, and Matthews is a better value at CF, than Hunter, or even Kotsay. Escobar is great at RF (backup is needed) when healthy. Rolen (if you need more help vs R) Quinlan (better vs L than R) and Atkins (good vs both) are all decent choices at 3b.
Remember, you will usually face 25-30% LHP, so your team should hit RHP better than lefties, unless you division is weird and unordinary.

Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:09 pm
by palacekillers
Thanks for the advice Geekor. Although I still can't figure out why you always sound like you're pissed off at me I do appreciate the advice.

Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:28 pm
it's the mediium palace.... electronic communication has that effect.
people sound more harshe than they intend.
(or your are just sensitive) :shock: :wink: 8)
just kidding

Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:37 pm
by palacekillers
Could be. I think Geekor is just an angry, angry man.

Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:41 pm
Geekor is not an angry man...LOL,
That is the first time I have heard him called that.
I would suggest that you do heed his advice, he has helped me out tremendously over past year and a half.
His insight is usually right on.
I think you misread what he is saying about people that don't play to their strength when choosing ballparks. People are just plain stubborn when it comes to their teams. I fall into that category myself. I usually lose sight of what my strengths are and try to offset the other teams strengths and ignore my own and usually end up with only half of my needs because I am so worried about the other team's.
He is right about being able to hit RHP....something I constantly ignore (to my own detriment). I usually try to have good balance, but the fact is that you will see less LHP by far and for that very reason the other team will have already gotten a leg up on you. I need to take that advice more myself.
We all want balance, but the truth is unless your division is loaded with LHP, you will end up giving away something to reach a balance and the good managers will pick up on this and beat you round the diamond all day long.
Hope that softens what you perceived as a tongue lashing by Geekor.

Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:06 pm
by geekor
LMAO :lol: :lol:
funny thing is my wife complains about that all the time. I'm just the kind of person who gets straight to the point, made it worse that I was actually pretty busy this morning and was answering when I had a little 5 minute break, so I just kinda rushed everything.
Sorry if I sound like an ***, I just wasn't born with that subtle gene :P 8)

Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:22 pm
by geekor
btw, thanks for the kind words Bodie. I am far from right all the time, but I think I have a decent understanding how to win in pitcher parks, it's where I've won all 3 of my 07 titles so far, and 3/5 of my 06 titles.
That being said sine waivers is over, Bay need to go. I would like to see a Rolen, Zimmerman, or Quinlan at 3b in his place. Also I actually personally much much prefer VMart at 1b over Helton, I think Helton is way overpriced for his production.
Ypur bullpen after Pap need major work. there are always some pieces left though, easiest t fix. Sherril and Pena (or Donnely) as a pair of specialists, then you need at least 2 other rp's. You could grab Kuo as a long releiver then either grab 1 stud setup (R Soriano), or 2 cheapies (like Correia/Hancock) to eat the rest of the innings

Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:39 pm
by palacekillers
Point taken Geekor, and I definitely appreciate the advice. I'll remember that the answers are designed with brevity in mind, not malice.