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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:44 am
by theupzman1
WHAT IS THE MOST HOMERUNS hit for 1 season for the 2007 season

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:46 am
by geekor
not sure, maybe if your caps lock wasn't on all the time I would tell you :P

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:05 pm
by bernieh
To be fair, his caps lock wasn't on the [i:eb07419484]whole[/i:eb07419484] time.

Mighty Moose isn't keeping the records for the 2007 game, unfortunately. I ran a quick query to obtain these results:

[b:eb07419484]Player, League, Total HR[/b:eb07419484]
[b:eb07419484]Ryan Howard, [i:eb07419484]Iron Glove / No Range[/i:eb07419484], 85[/b:eb07419484]
David Ortiz, [i:eb07419484]TSN_462[/i:eb07419484], 83
Ryan Howard, [i:eb07419484]TSN_502[/i:eb07419484], 83
David Ortiz, [i:eb07419484]TSN_502[/i:eb07419484], 82
David Ortiz, [i:eb07419484]Iron Glove / No Range[/i:eb07419484], 82
David Ortiz, [i:eb07419484]TSN_206[/i:eb07419484], 81

I'm not sure if the [i:eb07419484]Iron Glove / No Range[/i:eb07419484] league was a theme league with bad pitching and small ballparks, but the [i:eb07419484]TSN_[/i:eb07419484] leagues are all default auto-leagues.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:42 pm
by LA Bear
Mr. Administrator:

Why couldn't there be an auto-pgm collecting reporting on these season ending records on a regular basis just for the base case 80mil leagues?

LA Bear


PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:32 pm
To clarify,

The "Iron glove no Range League" was a themed league.

Parameters were---All positions had to be a 4 (or worse) and all teams had to be in either Coors or Cell.

But even I didn't know about those Homer records in that league.