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Why is Joe Morgan ESPN's Top Analyst?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:06 pm
by doctrcpa
Watching tonight's Yankee game, Morgan says the Yanks hitters have 11 walks to 1 by the Angels hitters. Morgan says it is because the Yankees have veteran hitters.

Excuse me for wondering, but Joe wouldn't consider the following hitters to be veterans?
Garret Anderson

I really wish that Jon Miller would occassionaly challenge Morgan for the things that he says and that many of them are not supported by any facts.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:04 pm
by MoCrash
Yeah, Morgan's pretty inane. I was listening to the game on XM and the Yankees' broadcast pair seem as mismatches as any I've heard. Neither one would be bad on their own, although the woman has a lousy voice and delivery (but is at least knowledgeable and insightful), but they have no chemistry together.

Of course, I'm still wondering why Madden is still No. 1 on Fox NFL broadcasts. I guess he's entertaining, what with the crazy squiggles on the replay screen, but he's got nothing more than a firm grasp of the obvious. Maybe that's his secret: he says things which are obvious to anyone who has an inkling of an understanding for football, so that Joe Fan can sit back and say, "Gee, if a Hall of Fame coach sees that, and so do I, I must be pretty damn smart."

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:15 am
by TomSiebert
Sports is entertainment is politics nowadays, folks. If people assert themselves confidently, 50% of the people listening will assume they know what they're talking about, even if there is no grounding in fact. :cry:

It's how the lying, cheating, conniving gangsters who run the country still have sheep who follow them -- and I'm not pointing any particular fingers at any political party -- merely because they deliver their lies with confidence and assurance. :evil:

Just thank your lucky stars Joe Morgan never runs for anything. He might get elected in Cincinnati. The Yankees' announcers? They just suck and couldn't get elected to anything anywhere.

As for Madden, I thought he used to be good but those days are over. It seemed like a couple years ago he at least kept up on insights about teams he cared about, now he just seems to be winging it week to week. The big thing with Madden is that he's an Entertainment Brand now, thanks to the bestselling computer football game, so the lemmings in programming figure he's a sure bet. Sadly, the lemmings in this case are right.


PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:40 am
by MoCrash

Politicians sell fear to voters; programmers sell glitz to viewers. It all amounts to the same thing: the dumming-down of America.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:29 am
by tersignf
Ummm...I think that's dumbing...