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What Barry Bonds Should Do After #754 (o/t)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:03 pm
by markp65
Bonds steps up to the plate.
Crowd electric. Cheering. Booing.
Flash bulbs expoding.
Everyone on their feet.
In his previous at bat he went yard.
Number 754.
His next home run will tie Hank Aaron.
For all time.
TV cameras cut away to Willie, Selig...
Tension rises as Bonds adjusts his arm gear.
He steps into the batter's box.
Takes a deep breath.
Settles in.
He calls time out.
Murmur in the crowd as he...
Raises the barrel of his bat to his lips.
Kisses it.
Lays the bat down across home plate.
Steps out of the box.
Waves to the crowd.
And strides off the field.
For the last time in his career.
Retires. Right there.
754 to his name.
A hero.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:22 pm
by wavygravy2k
That would be cool.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:33 pm
by LA Bear
I might regain respect for him. Even if he hits 756, he'll never pass Aaron in my mind. He cheated. He admitted it in court. He can continue to run around and say you can't prove it and I've never tested positive...but the evidence tilts that he surely did cheat. He's a bum, and I can't wait for the Giants to drop him like a hot potato.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:14 pm
by teamnasty
Bunch of self-appointed moral police, of which there are too many chiming in nowadays. Face facts, the guy was the best player in the game for a long time before roids ever entered the picture. You don't have to like his surly personality, but objectively speaking he's been the best for a long time. So was racist Ty Cobb, so was drunk-*** Babe Ruth, so was Rose. When baseball teams want to surrender all the massive profits they made during this home run era and offer some explanation as to how they supposedly didn't know about locker room goings on for 15 years, and when you dumb moralist fans wanna stop spending records amount of money on the games and have some integrity you accuse Bonds et al of lacking, then I'll give your arguments some credit. Until then, realize this is about entertainment not curing cancer, and admit you're entertained by the game on the field and the drama off it.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:10 pm
by Detroit-Tigers
Everybody used/uses steroids. Its the same as having a lower pitcher mound, or a longer distance to the mound.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:58 pm
by LA Bear
Lower pitching mound and distance to the plate are regulated by the baseball rules committee. Use of anabolic steroids is against the law the las time I checked.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:18 am
by Terry101
Being racist, or drunk or gambling on games does not give you an unfair (against baseball rules) advantage over players who do not cheat.
It also has nothing to do with being moral police. No one is "policing" him -they are judging him for his cheating.
He was the best player in the game before he took roids. That has nothing to do with his cheating now. Other players took roids, so what. that also has nothing to do with his cheating.
Being entertained has nothing to do with disliking cheaters.
Sulky personality doesn't matter either, McGwire was a pretty nice guy, I guess but very few people have respect for him now.
And, why would baseball have to explain why they supposedly didn't know? And, why would peoples' arguments get more credit if baseball owners gave back the money they made.

The argument most people are making is pretty simple. They don't like cheaters in sport. Very few people do whether it is Bonds, Canseco, Palmeiro, McGwire or Tanya Harding. People generally admire players who abide by the rules when they break records. Probably most people will respect Aaron more than Bonds, even though Bonds might be sthe better player. My two cents. Just an opinion.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:42 am
Why people continue to not put an asterisk (*) after Bonds* name is beyond me. The records he breaks are all tainted for eternity.

It's Bonds* ... so all the SF and Barry lovers better get use to it.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:56 am
by visick

Barry Bonds did not break ANY rules. Why? Well because there was NO rule [b:8b36ad02b4]against[/b:8b36ad02b4] using steroids.

He has been tested to the best of my knowledge many times and come up clean.

Do I think he never took anything? No
Did he probably know what he was taking when he too "the cream" or "the clear"? Yes
Was this illegal, according to MLB? NO

IMHO the man to hate here is Bud Selig, not Barry Bonds. Stop booing him every time he comes up. Stand up and let Selig have it.

I'm sure everyone was caught up in the homerun chase between Sosa and McGwire. We can't boo them though. In fact, Sosa is again a fan favorite in Texas right now. I've heard whispers of "Comeback Player of the Year". Gimme a frickin' break people. Did these probably use 'roids? Yes. Was it illegal? No. Did anyone boo these guys then? NO

Many MLB players used steroids during the steroid era. I personally have a hard time with the lying that goes on. How can a professional athlete NOT know what goes in your own body? How can you lie in front of a judge as well?

If you don't like Bonds, so be it. But don't boo the man AFTER cheering for the homerun barrage that Sosa and McGwire put on.

Cheer for ARod. Cheer for Griffey Jr.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:17 am
by LA Bear
Of course it was illegal...they are presciption only medicines. Baseball rules don't supercede federal law.