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Awards Voting?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:43 am
by IrishJoe
I don't usually pay much attention to awards voting but this one caught my attention.

[u:2c30d0e3df]Cy Young[/u:2c30d0e3df]
J. Nathan - 120
J. Santana - 95
F. Rodriguez - 46
J. Paplebon - 18
B. Ryan - 8

Pretty solid win for closer Joe Nathan
but . . .

[u:2c30d0e3df]Rolaids Relief Award[/u:2c30d0e3df]
J. Paplebon - 129
T. Hoffman - 123
B. Ryan - 120
T. Saito - 119
F. Rodriguez - 116

Not even an honorable mention!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:48 am
by LMBombers
The Cy Young award in the Awards Voting is very heavily skewed towards number of wins. It is possible that Nathan has a bunch of wins and not so many Saves.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:30 am
by Paul_Long71
yeah, I'm in that league. Nathan went 13-9 in 168 innings with 230 K's and 37 saves and an Era of 2.30. Santana was 21-9 in 293 innings with 295 K's and an Era of 3.03

I think it's more interesting that 4 of the 5 were closers (I had Ryan with 46 saves). Ryan had 46, Paplebon had 45, Hoffman had 51, and Saito had 51. Nathan only had 37 and blew 14.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:46 pm
by LA Bear
How did you push that many innings to Nathan?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:59 pm
by IrishJoe
I dunno, should I publish my secret strategy? Well it wasn't really that secret, I listed Nathan as setup man and closer against both lefties and righties and the rest was out of my control.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:59 pm
by IrishJoe
Postscript to Nathan's Cy Young season

After winning the Cy Young, HAL must have dug up an old Armando Benitez special postseason card and substituted it. Team gets first round knockout.

Joe Nathan:
2 blown saves
7.36 ERA
5 (yes five) HR in 7.1 innings

Oh yeah, tack on Morneau gooing down to injury (3 games) in game 2 and then Mauer getting hurt (3 games) in game 4.
HAL is out to get me.
