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# of RPs to carry on Cell team w/ 2 more Cells in division?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:39 pm
by LA Bear
With 3 US Cellular Stadiums in the same division, how many RPs would you recomment carrying? I've been carrying 6 on Cell clubs, and I'm contemplating carrying 7.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:31 pm
I always use

1 STUD closer (Ryan, Papelbon, etc....)

1 Good setup guy (shields is my favorite)

and then an assortment of decent sub 1 mill 2R's with a couple of RH/LH specialist thrown in. Usually have 5-6 RP's.... :wink:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:44 pm
by FoggyOne
6 definitlely 6.

seriously, I would carry at least 5 who will actually pitch in relief (rather than spot start only). just make sure that your TWO mop up guys are low whip and low bphr (for the money that is), giving you the ability to win a handful of games in which you get battrered early.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:11 pm
by LA Bear
Interesting: You set more than one playe to MOP UP?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:25 pm
by geekor
There is no set # you have to carry, other than the 4 req. It all depends on who you have.

i.e not that I would spend this much, but what if you Pap, League, Shields and Ryan. You don't really need 2 more who would suck away innings from those studs.

It's finding a balance with what you have and or want for X amount of dollars.

For the Cell I guess my personal setup (assuming I could get all) would be Street (closer) Heilman (setup) Felicano, Kuo and 1 hard R 1 hard L (like Donnely/McBride). It would be cheap and pretty effective with lots of innings to be eaten up.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:06 pm
by FoggyOne
yes, I've done that from time to time through the years if I get 2 decent cheapies. I feel that it helps save the better rps for the critical innings when the game is close.

albeit, I dont play 10x teams at a time like other vets.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:15 pm
by FoggyOne
wickman too

Here's one....Geekor, thoughts?? Anyone else?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:56 am
by keyzick
Here is a team I'm currently building for the Cell (still on FA period):

Right now, it's a Barfield/Jones platoon at DH, fyi.

Pondering whether I'm better off with Luke Scott over Manny in left... :roll:

Any thoughts appreciated...:D

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:12 am
by visick
Not too crazy about your staff there keyzick. Lotsa HR's are to be expected.

I'd like to see more OB in that lineup as well.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:35 am
by geekor
Here's a Rogers team that just started of mine. I know not as HR freindly as the Cell, but I built it using the same principles (honestly I blackball all parks into pitchers, hitters, L or R park).

There was a team in another league in the Cell who had a great SP staff, cheap RP (cheaper than mine here) and a decent value hitters who won 104 games (who I beat in the semis as the WC, ouch).

I was trying something similar, but it might give you ideas of what I think about for hitters parks.