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Lineup suggestions....

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:23 am
by LA Bear

This club continues to struggle against RHP. I'm especially dissapointed in the output from Ramirez, Bay and AJones...I'm contemplating going out and getting another LH bat...but I'll listen to lineup suggestions first before I make any drastic moves..."Roid Poster Boy" Giambi is definitely a bright spot with MVP type numbers thusfar.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:48 am
by Jeepdriver
Here's what I would do:

A Gonz


PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:56 am
I am certainly no expert but IMO you need some speedsters in this lineup setting things up for the big guns...(Only 2 steals in 60 games)!! Add some speed and you can be a little more agressive. Another thing is the 5.00 ERA..Hard to win like that...IMO your cheapo relievers are pitching too many innings...If this were my team I would want Sanchez and especially Nathan pitching the majority of the relief innings..As it is now they are pitching the least...I would set Nathan to SU and Close and let him pitch ALOT. Quick hook on the rest and set them up to their strenghts....Do that and aquire a speedster or two at the top with good obp and the worm will turn :D

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:49 pm
by LA Bear
Pelzer -

I'm in total agreement with the RP stuff, but I've had difficulty pushing more innings towards Nathan and Sanchez. I set everyone to follow their normal tendencies::

RHP: Avoid LH hitters, Quick hook, 1-2 IPs Max
LHP: Avoid RH hitters, etc.

Nathan: Slow hook, Avoid B4 7th SU and CL

Mopup: Kuo and Sanchez

Other Manager Strategy
Closer: Maximize
Relief: Normal

Any more guidance on how to setup the relief would be greatly appreciated. It's the biggest black box for me wrt this game.


LA Bear

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:52 pm
by LA Bear
Jeepdriver -

Thanks...I'll give it a try. Gonzo has been one of my happy surprizes...I hope I don't jinx him at the top of the order! :D

LA Bear

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:06 pm
by Jeepdriver
I wouldn't give up on anyone, especially Bay and Jones. Personally I like that L/U a lot for the Cell. I use several of those guys you have except for Aramis and Gonzalez, but to replace those guys requires a 20% hit, so I wouldn't do it.

IMO, you don't need speed in your park. You need home runs. Obviously people needs to be on base for those homers, but I think you got enough OBP as is.

That said, I'm no expert advice giver either. Normally I don't respond to these threads but thought I would give it a shot today.

Let me know if those LU's work. :)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:02 pm
by drew6013
I'd have to agree with jeep driver.... speed isn't going to help you in the cell. Good Cell teams have high OBP and high slugging. I like Bay and Jones a lot. Give Bay another 200 ab's and I'll bet his OBP is around 370 and his slugging is 525+. Don't look at the avg with Jones he's putting up and 866 OPS and playing and awsome CF (the 2nd most important position). He's playing more like a 10 million player than a 8.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:47 am
by Jeepdriver
Would love to hear if my LU sugg. helped. I noticed your record is now 44-40. That should be better, I doubt you'd post for help had you had a winning record.

Let us know. 8-)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:03 pm
by Palmtana
[url=]13-8 the past week[/url]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:06 pm
by Play By The Rules
Speed, as defined by the 1-17 number and not stolen pases, is actually very important especially at the top of the lineup. OBP is king, as always, but you'd be surprised how much the running rating effects runs scored.

Therefore, unless you have a better option, I'm not sure I'd ever lead Giambi off, except in a pinch.

My two cents.