1st Annual Pros Vs. Joes Handicap Lg.(FULL) Thread Closed

1st Annual Pros Vs. Joes Handicap Lg.(FULL) Thread Closed

Postby Jeepdriver » Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:54 pm

[b:0c4510ebfc]1st Annual Pros Vs. Joes (aka Vets Vs. Rookies)[u:0c4510ebfc] Handicap[/u:0c4510ebfc] League[/b:0c4510ebfc]

[b:0c4510ebfc]GENERAL RULES/THEME[/b:0c4510ebfc]

[i:0c4510ebfc]$80mil league
90% cap penalty throughout
Regular Autodraft[/i:0c4510ebfc]

** League will be made up of 6 Pros and 6 Joes. (iow Vets vs. the Rooks/Newbies/Novices) You know who you are. :wink:

** Place yourself in a Division when signing up. 2 Pros and 2 Joes in each Division. Make note whether you're playing as a Pro or a Joe. For Pros there's an additional requirement when signing up noted in the rules below.

[b:0c4510ebfc]PROS RULES:[/b:0c4510ebfc]

1. #1 Draft Choice Must be [u:0c4510ebfc]under[/u:0c4510ebfc] $4mil (hitter or pitcher)
2. Must play a '4' range OF at all times. It can be one OF playing both ways or a platoon in which each OF is a '4' range. Note: in case of injury the '4' range requirement is waived for the substitute player.
3. Pros must list home park when signing up, giving Joes the advantage of knowing your park beforehand.
4. Pros must draft a team no more than $79mil. After waivers all Pro teams may go to the regular $80mil cap.

[b:0c4510ebfc]JOES RULES:[/b:0c4510ebfc]

1. #2 Draft Choice Must be [u:0c4510ebfc]under[/u:0c4510ebfc] $4mil (hitter or pitcher)
2. No range rerquirements in OF
3. Any ballpark okay and not listed beforehand
4. Drafted team can be up to $80mil/no restrictions

Hope everyone likes the 1st Annual Pros Vs. Joes [u:0c4510ebfc]Handicap [/u:0c4510ebfc]League. Signups below.
Last edited by Jeepdriver on Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:17 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:56 pm

Pros Vs. Joes [u:f78c5b0512]Handicap [/u:f78c5b0512]League Signups:


1. Jeep (Pro) Tropicana
2. (Joe)
3. (Pro)
4. (Joe)


5. (Pro)
6. (Joe)
7. (Pro)
8. (Joe)


9. (Pro)
10. (Joe)
11. (Pro)
12. (Joe)
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Postby geekor » Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:10 pm


1. Jeep (Pro) Tropicana
2. (Joe)
3. (Pro)
4. (Joe)


5. geekor (Pro) Rogers Centre
6. (Joe)
7. (Pro)
8. (Joe)


9. (Pro)
10. (Joe)
11. (Pro)
12. (Joe)
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:01 pm


1. Jeep (Pro) Tropicana
2. (Joe)
3. (Pro)
4. (Joe)


5. geekor (Pro) Rogers Centre
6. (Joe)
7. (Pro)
8. (Joe)


9. (Pro)
10. Ehlekev (Joe)
11. (Pro)
12. (Joe)

Please take it easy on a newbie like me. Now, isn't the highest possible fielder rating the way to go? I had 8 "4"s on my last team and for some reason they sucked even though they added up to the highest cumulative fielding score of 32. But then Stupid me realized later that there are some "5"s out there..... so next time I will know I can get up into the mid 30s! Get this........Some of the really stupid managers in one of my leagues had a cumulative fielding rating for their 8 guys add up to 15. HAHAHA.....buncha morons. Somehow they still won.
I can't wait to play against some real vets! YEAH!!

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Postby geekor » Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:04 pm

how is someone who is ranked 70th overall and 10th in 07 placing himself as a Joe?? ;) :P
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Postby visick » Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:23 pm

Hey Kev...I'm sure you took notes last night from the Baltimore bullpen.

Kinda looked familiar no?

Kev choose the Joes because:


1. #2 Draft Choice Must be under $4mil (hitter or pitcher)

[i:f01bb12959]He rarely has a player ABOVE $4 million.[/i:f01bb12959]

2. No range rerquirements in OF

[i:f01bb12959]He regularly plays 4's and 5's in the OF.[/i:f01bb12959]

3. Any ballpark okay and not listed beforehand

[i:f01bb12959]He has no idea what ballpark ratings are anyway...[/i:f01bb12959]

4. Drafted team can be up to $80mil/no restrictions

[i:f01bb12959]He generally shoots for a $50 million team anyhow.[/i:f01bb12959]
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Postby Jeepdriver » Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:49 pm

My one worry is that not enough "Joe's" will sign up, so Kev being a Joe is cool.
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:20 pm

[quote:8e9832085b="geekor"]how is someone who is ranked 70th overall and 10th in 07 placing himself as a Joe?? ;) :P[/quote:8e9832085b]

:roll: :roll: :roll: :oops: :oops:

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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:23 pm

Dear Visick,
For a guy who dedicates his life to make people feel good, you sure know how to hurt a guy!! :evil: :wink:

Actually, I will be happy to be Pro!! Woohoo!!


1. Jeep (Pro) Tropicana
2. (Joe)
3. (Pro)
4. (Joe)


5. geekor (Pro) Rogers Centre
6. (Joe)
7. (Pro)
8. (Joe)


9. Ehlekev (Pro) Safeco Field
10. (Joe)
11. (Pro)
12. (Joe)
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Postby Jeepdriver » Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:26 pm

Kev, you can be a Joe if you'd like.
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