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first team, what do you think?

Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:33 pm
by matdavis721
im thinkin im gonna need to pick up another decent starter, probably dump either kent or carroll, and need to maybe pick up a rf platoon with kearns...any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!! matt

Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:07 am
by visick
I'm no expert but...
[u:76acc6e610]Pitching wise:[/u:76acc6e610]
Arroyo can't get lefties out AND your park is HR friendly. Not a good combo.
Millwood is OK, just not a #2 starter.
The rest of the staff is nothing to write home about.
Wickman is OK, though not the best. Not crazy about Linebrink and Oliver in your park. Embree is a good value guy.
Your pitching needs help. :roll:
[u:76acc6e610]Hitting wise:[/u:76acc6e610]
Your team is slanted to hit LH's much better than RH's.
You will probably face LH's only 25-35% of the time.
Lefties generally hit RH's better so look for some more lefty bats.
Keep your subs @ $.50. It will save you $.
You need some more OB in this lineup as well.
I'll look at the free agents in a sec for you.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:29 am
by visick
Looks like if the other managers do not change their staffs, you will face 5 LH's in your division. Roughly 7 RH's. Slightly more LH's than normal, but oh well.
I'd dump Overbay for Morneau
Lost track of time and gotta go. I'll be back later on to help ya.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:41 am
by matdavis721
ya i see that im loaded for lefties, ill see what i can do, i do have the #2 waiver priority so I should be able to get who I want. what about ryan howard? i know his defense is terrible but he is a righty killer...and also do you think i should dump arroyo and try and get someone who is a little more balanced? thanks for your help again ....matt

Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:25 am
by Rally Sally
Arroyo is death. He lost 20 games for me on a first place team that made it to the finals, no joke. Anyone of comparable value is better. Hey visick, how do you check out someone else's Free Agents? I keep getting redirected to my teams when I try to look.

Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:08 am
by visick
2. Baseball 2007
3. Enter the league ID. In this case it's 8740
4. Release/pickup