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Trade--- Over the Salary Cap

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:10 pm
by TexasKen
[b:4cc4d64667]Can I do the trade and why is it over by only 24K? [/b:4cc4d64667] I have enough cash to cover the difference plus I lowered my salary through adds and drops. Please let me know....

The trade below has a salary cap warning.

Trade Offer:
You're offering:
Griffey Jr., Ken ($1,020,000)
Tejada, Miguel ($6,800,000)
Crede, Joe ($4,420,000)
Theriot, Ryan ($6,520,000)
Matheny, Mike ($680,000)
Donnelly, Brendan ($930,000)
Clemens, Roger ($6,050,000)

In return for:
Giles, Brian ($2,300,000)
Vizquel, Omar ($6,520,000)
Jones, Chipper ($4,970,000)
Carroll, Jamey ($5,400,000)
Bennett, Gary ($500,000)
Kennedy, Joe ($2,020,000)
Bedard, Erik ($4,990,000)

Warning: This trade would put you $24,000 over the salary cap.

Are you sure you want to send this trade offer?

Calculations Cash 0.256
Ken 2.02 Don 0.93
Bed 4.99 Clem 6.05
vis 6.52 tej 6.8
car 5.4 the 6.52
Giles 2.3 grif 1.2
Jones 4.97 crede 4.42
Ben 0.5 Mat 0.68
26.7 26.6

Previously I made the following adds/drops reducing my salary....
added Clemens, Roger
dropped Santana, Ervin
dropped Kapler, Gabe
dropped Gaudin, Chad
added Ray, Chris
dropped Saito, Takashi
added Contreras, Jose
dropped Smoltz, John

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:20 pm
by Detroit-Tigers
no- you cannot go over.

Team's Salary is not over the 80M cap

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:58 pm
by TexasKen
With the dropped players my team salary is around 75 million. Does droppng a player also reduce the team's salary cap?


PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:29 pm
by bomp helium
you say you have .256m cash before the trade...then later you say you have 5.0m...

which is it?...

if you have .256m before the trade then the trade would put you over by about .03m ($30,000)...

it appears that is what happened...

and of course if this trade is happening DURING the season then you lose 20% of the salaries of the players you dropped...perhaps that is also a factor?...

Further Clarification

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:43 pm
by TexasKen
Forget about the cash....My team salary is approx 75M because of the player drop/adds. The trade put me over by 30K but my salary has been reduced With the trade and cash, my salary is less than 76M. Why isn't this trade valid???

The 5M was the loss from the drops and adds.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:07 pm
by geekor
you take a 20% cap hit with every drop. That is why it is not good to make a lot of drops, a 75 mil team does not beat an 80 mil team very often.

please read: