Need some ideas.

Need some ideas.

Postby HizzyForShizzy » Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:36 am

Returning to strat after 2 years. I'm trying to ease my way back in and sort of signed up on a whim. If anyone has time to take a look at my team, I would appreciate some assistance. I'm last in waivers so it is obvious that I don't have a handle on who the best performers are.

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Postby DAVIDLEE 2 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:08 am

on expert here, but one thing i see is your starters. I would drop moyer, with lots of BPHR and contreras and get one more * starter with few BPHR. hafner/bonds both dh. i would keep hafner and drop bonds. wiht the salary from contreras and bonds you need to get a 1b and lf, preferably with good OBP, since it looks like you need a leadoff hitter. Reyes doesn't get on base enough to lead off.
good luck and welcome back
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Postby Palmtana » Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:28 pm

You only have one RH hitter and are heavily slanted to hitting LHP. Bonds >>>> Thames, who is available, in LF, will begin to remedy that situation. Drop Contreras for a .50 pitcher who won't pitch. I have seen Moyer succeed (sometimes spectacularly) more often than fail this year. You don't need Delucci. That will give you 6M+ for a 1B (German would give you a lead off hitter) and a cheap 3B. You will approach 100 errors but you can work on your D next time. :)
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Postby mbrake » Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:37 pm

Wang, Garland & Moyer are not strikeout pitchers and will be prone to a lot of groundballX's that will test your infield defense (more errors & singles allowed) which isn't particularily strong. Contreras is a waste, cut & add a .5 SP that doesn't see the light of day. Dellucci or Bonds, but not both.
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not quite

Postby DAVEDAVIS » Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:46 pm

[quote:72503f8f4e="mbrake"]Wang, Garland & Moyer are not strikeout pitchers and will be prone to a lot of groundballX's that will test your infield defense (more errors & singles allowed) which isn't particularily strong.[/quote:72503f8f4e]

This is incorrect information.

Groundball X chances are the same on all pitchers cards, regardless of strikeouts.
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Postby Palmtana » Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:15 pm

It appears you're reading. Ryan will have to be downgraded if you want a LF and 1B/3B (depending where you play German). Otsuka is available and will serve you well. Thames is still there for LF. Great bargain this year. Or Matsui as half of a platoon. Lower the ERA's of your cheap RP's. Pick up Thompson, for example.
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Postby HizzyForShizzy » Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:55 am

I was wondering if I dump Hafner for Giambi(DH) and Thames(LF). I can play German at 1st. Then I might have some cash to upgrade at 3b or C, if I need to. Any thoughts?

Or I was thinking of dumping Hafner & MCClouth for

Salmon/Matsui - LF
Giambi - DH

play German @ 1B and try to get by or upgrade Feliz/McPherson @ 3B?
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Postby Palmtana » Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:45 pm

You don't need Ryan and Otsuka. Ryan and Zumaya (11.7mil) to a couple of low ERA R2/R3's totaling 5.5 (Wuertz and Correia are there). Then you'll have enough for Matsui >>>> Thames and pick up Chipper for 3B. McPherson can back him up. DH Hafner, German at 1st. You don't need Peralta. Reyes can't be injured. Maybe a backup 2B/3B who can hit LHP since you have no replacement for Durham.
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