Mauer Lineup Question

Mauer Lineup Question

Postby MtheB » Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:49 pm

Never had Mauer, wonder how he performs, what the injury thing is with the 600+ ABs, but with standard catcher injury roll.

Am in Kaufmann, in a league predominant with pitchers parks, not alot of lefty starters in div, most of those are reverse lefties.

Am debating these two options:
[b:0dc1ab9b25]Group A[/b:0dc1ab9b25]
LF--Roberts or Victorino

[b:0dc1ab9b25]Group B[/b:0dc1ab9b25]
LF--J. Rodriquez/Osuna platoon
DH-Lofton/Kietly platton

Would Mauer, Drew, Roberts (or Victorino)
be better than--
Sizemore, J. Rodriquez, Schneider

input would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby Roscodog » Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:47 pm

Mauer is great, my back up catcher hardly ever gets used. Mauer has been great in every park I've used him in.
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Postby MtheB » Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:17 am

With all the pitchers parks, am leaning towards Mauer, but all those DPs are a bit scary---albeit Lofton will be hitting in front of him, set to steal more.
Sizemore is a liability when facing alot of lefties, but there are not many in my div, and most of them are reverse lefties. But Sizemore doesn't hit into near the DPs.
The other parts of the equation clearly favor the Mauer option--
i.e. Drew and Victorino (or Roberts) are certainly stronger than JRod and Schneider.
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Postby emart » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:15 am


I've used Mauer and have had good to great results in pitcher's parks or neutral parks every time. My understanding is that he can only be injured for 3 games at a time, but he gets more of them with his injury on 3. I usually bat him 3rd though, only once second and that was behind Jeter, and each time behind a hitter with a * in the lead/hold area (too early to remember what that's called). With this arrangement he's never appeared in the top 10 on the GDP stats. I'd use him in any park except Chase/Citizens, Ameriquest or Cell.

OT - I have had really poor results from Zimmerman in a variety of park settings. He looks very attractive for the price but has always performed poorly. Also I think Sizemore is too expensive for being so unbalanced and having less HR power. Never used Roberts in LF or Victorino.

Good luck,
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Postby MtheB » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:31 am

Thanks for the input. Sizemore is expensive for unbalanced, but the only real available LH free agenet option is Mauer, Sizemore certainly helps on D, with speed, with very low DP's.
My concern with going with Mauer, DRoberts and Drew is the injury factor for all of them (all with injury rolls on 2).
Zim is crap shoot, sometimes effective, sometimes low BA but in a pitchers park, not alot of effective 3B options available on the FA.
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A caution on Drew

Postby STEVEPONEDAL » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:21 pm

Thanks for the input. Sizemore is expensive for unbalanced, but the only real available LH free agenet option is Mauer, Sizemore certainly helps on D, with speed, with very low DP's.
My concern with going with Mauer, DRoberts and Drew is the injury factor for all of them (all with injury rolls on 2).
Zim is crap shoot, sometimes effective, sometimes low BA but in a pitchers park, not alot of effective 3B options available on the FA.[/quote:9cb0ec772e]

He isn't hitting very well for my in Great American. I don't know if this is an anomaly or what but I am dangling him for a trade and so far no takers.

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