Want one more season of use from the 2007 cards (2006 season)? Up to the challenge of managing bums, losers, misfits and cast-offs to a championship? Then join the Scrap Heap League.
This a one-time, non-keeper v.12 live NetPlay league. Currently eight good NetPlayers are signed up (I've played in leagues with all but one, our lone novice; good league for first-time NetPlayer due to the experience and patience level of members), but are looking for four more. Plans are to begin draft next week through an automated draft system (with timer turned off from Thanksgiving Thursday through Sunday). Hope to get season under way before Christmas (again, though, with looser restrictions than typical two series per week during holidays).
A computer-generated draft was held among 12 teams of 24 players each, in which 147 batters and 141 pitchers were chosen. The remaining players (the Scrap Heap, since they are obviously of lesser value) will be eligible for a 34-round serpentine free agent draft (one round designated for selection of a unique stadium). This will be followed by a two-round supplementary draft, in reverse serpentine order from the first stage, where the 288 pre-selected players will be available.
Since many of the Scrap Heapers (base FAs) have limited ABs and IPs, the usage rules are liberal: batters with 300+ ABs, pitchers with only starter ratings with 100+ IPs, and pitchers without starter ratings with 40+ IPs will have unlimited usage. All others will be 100% of ABs or IPs. There are no limits on games started, although the three- and four-day rest rules apply for SP* and SP ratings). Closer rules are not in effect. This is a DH league. Injuries (not SADV) will be allowed, although no forced daily injuries. Rosters set at beginning of each series, although 25/40 rule is in effect (with managers allowed to override HAL's selection, with substitute fixed through duration of series or until injured player returns to active status, whichever comes first).
The idea of this league is to use players who are seldom drafted in NetPlay, unless salary caps are used (no salary caps for this league; pick whoever you think will help). Gil Meche could be your staff ace, or Jeff Kent may be the big bat in the middle of your line-up. I've played two seasons with this concept vs. CM, and the games are wild -- if not always pretty. Anyway, a good way to keep the chops up while waiting for the 2008 set to come out -- and while leagues are drafting and getting seasons started.
If interested, sign up below and I'll give you the address of the Yahoo! Groups site to join -- which contains the league files for main and supplemental drafts along with league constitution. Be sure you have v.12 with card images and authorized 2007 card set (2006 season).
Hopefully, enough fun will be had by all that this can be a regular end-of-season event.