by Jerlins » Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:06 pm
Have to agree with Geekor here. It's very possible that if you drafted an RFK park for its pitching favorability, and other parks chosen were Petco, Fenway, AT&T and other similar low HR parks, you could very well end up with Yankee stadium being the next "similar park not chosen". That's a far cry from the park of first choice. If you prefer a unique park league, start up a theme league with that being the only requirement. If folks with a similar philosophy sign up, you may find your league filling faster than an autoleague would.
I've played in a division from the 05 set where it was my Great American (one of the hitters parks of 05), against THREE Petco teams (1-1, 1-6 if memory serves me correctly), and 6 maybe 7 Petco's in the league as a whole. I thought it was fun finding a strategy to compete against that.
Teams have always built their clubs based on their ballpark advantage in real life, asking the Strat community to draft a menagerie of players to safeguard against missing the park of their choice is far from realism and a bit towards the extreme.
Allowing a "drop a park" option will lead to headaches and leave sour tastes for the game as a whole than you would expect.