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David Ortiz / Ryan Howard

Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:19 pm
David Ortiz = $8.83M
Ryan Howard = $8.74M
HRs : 58 to 54 goes to Howard
BA : .313 to .287 goes to Howard
OBP : .425 to .413 goes to Howard
SLG : .659 to .636 goes to Howard
Running : 11 to 10 goes to Howard
Def : 4e13 to 5e30 goes to Howard
Bunt: D to C goes to ortiz
Are they saying Ortiz's bunting ability is that much better tow arrant the high price?
What gives with that????????

Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:16 pm
by durantjerry
If Ortiz could play the field, I would say your anazysis was incomplete and there were factors you were ignoring. However, with Ortiz really strictly a DH and Howard at least passable in the field, it does not seem like Ortiz could possibly be more valuable.

Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:31 pm
by geekor
Are you comparing real life stats?
If you compare the card data, you can see why Ortiz is higher rated.
I will just put a -O if Ortiz Wins and a -H is howard wins
vs L
SO - O
BB - O
H - H (by .2)
OB - O
TB - O (by 17!!)
HR - O
BP HR - Ties
CL - O
DP - H
vs R
SO - O
BB - O
H - H
OB - O
TB - H (by 9)
HR - O
BP HR - Tied
CL - O
DP - H
Although they are both slow, Ortiz actually has a steal rating, where Howard is nothing.
Vs L it's no comparison, Ortiz hands down. Vs R, its Howard, but not by a lot. The reason Ortiz isn't higher priced is because his fielding.
Now I like Howard more actually, because I like to use cheap DH's, and I like my LHH to be geared more towards R, but that's just me.

Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:13 pm
by Palmtana
Another recent thread brought up the merits of Howard, Ortiz, Pujols and Hafner vs. Morneau. Here are their average performances in 10 leagues. The Ortiz and Howard numbers bear out geekors ratings post.[code:1:b1becc290d]
Ortiz .266 .382 .629 59
Howard .275 .359 .592 55
Morneau .306 .361 .540 35
Pujols .306 .386 .649 59
Hafner .284 .400 .636 51[/code:1:b1becc290d]

Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:48 pm
by teamnasty
You also have to adjust for park when comparing Ortiz and Howard's obp and slug stats. Howard played in a power favorable environment, Ortiz did not, so it's not surprising that Ortiz' card is slightly better offensively.

Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:32 pm
by Loonzilla
I have had both in 4 leagues, Ortiz has out played Howard 3 out of 4 times, Both average and power in parks that range from Coors to RFK.