Need 1 for Tough League - Filled thanks

The Holiday Round of the Jack's Friends & Family Tourney is here and we need one brave soul to step up and take on some of the best...
This is a straightup hardball autodraft: 2007/DH/$80MM. You may use any stadium.
Emart, NaturalDoc, SteveAmes (aka errormagnate), Odieworks, Freshmeat (aka akindian), Splinter, Grayman, PML, and a couple of less frequent but excellent players like johnps and tboo13 are already in.
Just need one to draft and wrapup the '07 season in style.
Contact me by PM for password.
It won't be a cakewalk but come on in the water's fine. 8-)
This is a straightup hardball autodraft: 2007/DH/$80MM. You may use any stadium.
Emart, NaturalDoc, SteveAmes (aka errormagnate), Odieworks, Freshmeat (aka akindian), Splinter, Grayman, PML, and a couple of less frequent but excellent players like johnps and tboo13 are already in.
Just need one to draft and wrapup the '07 season in style.
Contact me by PM for password.
It won't be a cakewalk but come on in the water's fine. 8-)