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Are mail and trade offers just a bother to you?

Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:51 pm
Why don't more people trade and send mail.If we were all in a big room playing face to face would we be silent.Or are people just to busy to send mail like:compliments,trash talk,or just a friendly hello?Also why don't more people try to trade instead of cutting players?Thanks,

Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:19 pm
by keyzick
Trading is always tough to do when you have to deal with the cap. I've racked my brain before trying to make something work, but you end up having to throw in so many extras to balance the money that it ends up being too frustrating to bother.

Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:19 pm
by tmm6883
I enjoy trading and wish there was more of it too. I don't like when people make outrageous offers though. You got to give something up to get something.

Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:58 pm
by chasenally
I'm with Tmm on this. Most trades sent my way only help the other team. When I offer a trade it mostly helps me. It is hard to make a trade that helps both. I trade for power and give average or the other way around. It doesn't help the other team much as it takes away thier power or mine. I find it best to just drop and look even though I lose cap.

Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:51 am
by Jerlins
Trading is a lot easier pre-season than it is during the season. I always welcome trade offers and don't find them annoying at all. What I do find annoying is when a trade is offered with no thought regarding team makeup of your team from those making the offer, or when offered one's consolation prize for the player you drafted which gave him his consolation player and he offers the player straight up. For example, if I have Abreu, and I get offered Vlad for him, well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why I have Abreu and he has Vlad.
If I happen to have two SS, say Vizquel and Rollins, and make one available for trade discussion, I don't think being offered Stephen Drew is going to do the trick. Unless both teams are willing to fill needs with each other's excess assets, you won't see much trading. People have to stop trying to get one up on the other and work together. If they practiced that more, they might find themselves actually improving their own team.

Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:42 pm
by durantjerry
I have too many teams in too many games to be a big contributor to league mail. As to why people don't trade more, first of all, who says they should? Secondly, check out these three trade offers I had in this mornings mail for a league that drafted last night.
[b:f8c37e583b]1)[/b:f8c37e583b]You give up:
Crawford, Carl (6,460,000)
Other team gives up:
Cuddyer, Michael (5,320,000)
Delgado, Carlos (5,950,000)
[b:f8c37e583b]2)[/b:f8c37e583b]You give up:
Crawford, Carl (6,460,000)
Guillen, Carlos (7,220,000)
Other team gives up:
Giambi, Jason (5,870,000)
Lee, Carlos (5,150,000)
[b:f8c37e583b]3)[/b:f8c37e583b]You give up:
Crawford, Carl (6,460,000)
Erstad, Darin (660,000)
Polanco, Placido (1,400,000)
Colon, Bartolo (500,000)
Other team gives up:
Carroll, Jamey (5,400,000)
Cuddyer, Michael (5,320,000)
Lohse, Kyle (1,570,000)
Too busy for trade offers??????

Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:54 pm
You claim to be too busy for mail and trade offers(Mr. Bush is it????).However you were not too busy to send this post,Besides one man's junk is another man's treasure!You are a SOM snob!And if anything could ever kill this wonderful game,it is people like you who are too cool for school!You know it all don't you.Why communicate with others?You already know everything,don't you?But you sir are in the majority,SOM players tend to be smart(compared to most).However they also tend to be snobs(like yourself).If we were at a face to face tournament would you not speak to others.If I spoke to you and you ignored me,it would take all my strength to not dog you like a doggie!You sir are the only thing wrong with this WONDERFUL GAME!LEARN TO RESPECT OTHERS,OR YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A MISERABLE KNOW IT ALL!

Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:16 pm
by durantjerry
One man's junk is another man's treasure?
Translation = this SOMO moral black hole would swindle his grandmother out of Ichiro if he could get her to take James Loney. Or, he's new, in which case I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Work+commute+workout(sometimes)+/breakfast/dinner+strategy settings on ten or twelve teams+whatever=limited amount of time to spend on interleague mail.

Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:05 pm
by Hillbilly Rockstar
Send me trade offers, reasonable or not. I'm always glad to get them. It only takes a smile and one click to decline them. Once in a while, however, a counterproposal will work out. Besides, it's more fun to trade than to drop and add free agents.

Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:24 pm
by Jerlins
The offers submitted to DJ is a perfect example of what I waas referring to. Missed out on Crawford, Lee was the consolation, so lets offer Lee for Crawford. The second example? Offering up TWO DH's (Lee and Giambi). Tell me, what the heck is he going to do with TWO DH's???? Doesn't seem to me like the trade was sent with a mutual benefit in mind.
That said, I have to chime in in defense of DJ, who's far from an "SOM Snob". Here's a player, who, when relatively inexperienced players seek advice, is always one of the first to offer his thoughts on how to improve the team. His "experimental" teams are offered out in the public forums, to give other players an insight and an alternative way to look at how to build a winning team. His sharing of knowledge and experience with others help make others enjoy the game a bit more, hopefully helping them build a competitive team as opposed to letting some newcomer wallow away with a 50 win team and most likely a "one and done" experiment into SOM online. How many others in this game consistantly offer up advice whan asked?