Please tell me what you think?

Please tell me what you think?

Postby chasenally » Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:25 pm

Any help with what you think is very much appreciated. Thank you. Have I got a great offensive team that will outscore my bad outfield range or just a bunch of strike outs that will only keep up with my errors. I know my middle relief is bad but hoping that Lackey and Wang keep them at bay. :? The other parks in my division are RFK, Kauffman and Great American Ballpark. Thank you in advance for anything you can help me with. :)
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Postby durantjerry » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:24 am

1)Sp's-first three are good. The last two need to go IMO. I probably am one of the few who has tried both of them in a rotation. Hudson got shelled in a pitching park and Park will similary get hammered anywhere, nevermind your home park. I would rather have a guy like Moyer than either of those two.
2)RP's-Your Rp's mostly seem to have a RH bias while your park has a LH bias. I know the quality LH relievers are few and far between, but I would get one or two. At least the Japanese guy($1.25) or Feliziano, Ohman, etc.
3)Hitters-I like Castillo, but not in your park. I would also go for more power at 1B if possible. I think you can do better at C also. Your middle "D" is very good. I have played two fours in the corners and won. They have to be very good offensively to get away with it IMO, and your guys are.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby visick » Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:17 pm

I've seen Lackey put up good #'s anywhere he plays, but Wang has been inconsistent in league that I've been in.

Capuano has been used a bit, more in a neutral to pitching park with mixed results as well.

[u:5bcab5ff5c]Hudson (Good):[/u:5bcab5ff5c]

(Not so good)

Sooo...if you don't expect too much from a #4 starter, he ain't half bad.

Pen looks OK.

I tend to agree with what durantjerry says.

Good luck,
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Thank You

Postby chasenally » Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:45 pm

I have dropped Overbay and picked up Delgado. I had Delgado first but thought I might need a better BA and defense. I looked for the reliever DJ suggested but he is gone. I have ran out of time but will look for other options when I get home tonight. Thank you again for your time. :D
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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