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maximum number of injured players?

Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:43 pm
If you care carrying 13 hitters in a DH league, is it possible to have more than four injuried at once?

Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:25 pm
by Detroit-Tigers
Max injured = 27
If you have <9 hitter not injured a pitcher takes his place (so I have been told, I have never seen it happen)

Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:46 pm
by J-Pav
[b:3f9da82e85]DT[/b:3f9da82e85] is correct.
You can have five or more players injured on a 13 man offense and force a pitcher to not only bat, but also play the field. Back in the day, I fielded this 2003 Championship team:
It was an all-injury team (Jeter was the [i:3f9da82e85]highest priced offensive player[/i:3f9da82e85] at $4.41!) playing in the old lefty standby, Shea Stadium (singles 1-11, 1-5 homers 1-16, 1-4 :shock: ).
(Heavy sigh). The good old days.
The box scores have been purged, but twice I had pitchers bat and take the field because I had five fielders injured simultaneously. I recall that Wilson Alvarez once pitched a three hitter or something like that in one game of the series, then played right field and went 1-3 w/ a walk or some such. I had posted the box scores on the "old" boards (now since purged) because like the unbreakable catcher, no one was sure if it was possible for this to happen.
I estimated that there was some obscure rule that HAL would have to make the lineup unbreakable after four injuries. In '03, injury players were wildly underpriced, so I created this team to try and exploit it. This is when we discovered that the lineup does not become unbreakable to prevent pitchers from taking the field.
For 2004, the injury players were priced more correctly (even more so now), and thus came the end of the injury team concept. So I have not seen this happen since 2003, but there it is.

Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:49 pm
by bomp helium
I'm a stubborn mule and I think injury-prone players are slightly undervalued, and so I always have several...I've had five injured more than a few times...six once...
with six starters injured on my 13-man roster, that left me with Carlos Zambrano in RF and Clemens at 1B...Hal refused to put my DH in the field and instead decided to put pitchers out there...Zambrano pulled an 0-4, but Clemens, after a pre-game "B-12" injection, went 3-3 and played a flawless was one of my favorite wins ever...