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Got my Ratings book in the mail today!

Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:08 pm
by LMBombers
Most lopsided parks this year are:
Baltimore - HR 8/14
Colorado - HR 8/14
Atlanta - HR 4/9
Pittsburgh - HR 7/1
Magglio total bases LH 68.8 - RH 57.7
Neshek RP Twins Hits LH 2.2 - RH 5.3
Joba Chamberlain LH BB 1, Hits 0 - RH BB 10 Hits 0 :shock:
Looks like AROD is going to be about a 4R balance
Carlos Pena is about a 1R and looks to have a great card
Chipper crushes RHP
Renteria is this year's Michael Young (good hitting 3 SS) better card than Young this year too
Soriano ATL RP - LH BB 4 Hits 4.3 - RH BB 0 Hits 5.8
Peavy as a *SP LH BB 9 Hits 15 - RH BB 5 Hits 3.3 almost no HRs

Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:12 pm
by visick
Man us West Coasters get screwed...
I ordered my book the first day they took orders and haven't gotten mine.
Yet my buddy on the right coast, Frank M, orders his 4 days ago and got it already.

Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:13 pm
by visick
Joba will [u:641e327efe]not[/u:641e327efe] get carded from TSN.
If he does, expect it to be $8-9 million.

Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:33 pm
by cirills
Beltran vs. RH's doesn't seem right to me.
Neither does Stairs.
Probably why I got them so cheap in trades! :roll: :oops: :cry:

Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:07 pm
where do you order the ratings books and disks from?

Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:56 pm
by Stoney18

Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:18 pm
by visick
Beltran hit only .265 vs. RH's last season. It's a big drop off from his current 4R card huh?
Stairs hit .289 vs. RH's and LH's. Just no power/slg. vs. LH's.

Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:04 pm
Visick, truth be told. I order my book the day they shipped which was the 9th. Got my ratings book on the 10th. If I really wanted to I could have had my nephew get me the book on the day they shipped them. He lives right up the block from Strats home office. :D

Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:08 pm
by the splinter
[quote:0fe2b3847c]If I really wanted to I could have had my nephew [/quote:0fe2b3847c]
Oh my FEMA...Franks family is procreating!

Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:12 pm
by the splinter
rating book..... schmating book...
Read the cards old style I say.
Viz did you purchase the ratings for 07?
If so to how rings did it lead?
Just poking....ratings books are OK...just never used them myself.