by Mean Dean » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:36 pm
[b:1a59625118]derfs[/b:1a59625118]: A free unzip program is [url=]ALZip[/url]. Inside the ZIP file, you will find a Microsoft Word document, and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To look at those, I would personally suggest you download [url=]OpenOffice[/url]. If you prefer, you can get Microsoft's [url=]Word Viewer[/url] and [url=]Excel Viewer[/url] instead. (Note that you don't have to look at the Excel file unless you want to "play along" with the calculations and see where they come from. In fact, if all you're interested in is the end result that tells you how to figure out a player's offensive and defensive worth, all you need are the last two pages of the Word document.)
I will try to get it into a more easily viewable form in the future. I am working on revising the actual content of the article, so I'm not going to concentrate on that right now.
[b:1a59625118]quirks[/b:1a59625118]: I don't think that other chart is a useful way to rate players, for the exact reason you point out; knowing "H+E" and "TB" still does not give you an answer in terms of runs or wins, which, ultimately, is the form you need the answer to be in. The exact answer to your question can be figured out by using the [url=]Pythagorean expectation[/url], or even better, [url=]Pythagenpat[/url]. But as a general rule of thumb, it's going to be about 10 additional runs for each one additional win.