Here's your advance peek at the upcoming new flash-based Live Draft feature, in the form of our fun [b:feb7170510]Mock Drafts[/b:feb7170510] playground:
Mock Drafts are a section of our site where we keep a number of demo drafts running over and over again, 24 hours a day, and let you jump into and out of them at your convenience, to whet your appetite, and so you can get familiar with the app before the day your real league starts its actual draft.
As a reminder, the new 1986 season game will debut next Wednesday, February 27... 1) it will be absolutely FREE to play for a limited time, and 2) you will have the option of conducting your league's draft using the new Live Draft, or the usual salary cap auto-draft method. Additionally, both the new 2007-season card set and [url=]ATG III v2[/url] will launch very soon afterwards (maybe even at the end of that week), also with the Live Draft as a new option.
One important thing to note is that [b:feb7170510]there is no concept of salary in this app[/b:feb7170510] - it’s strictly “pick the player you need most”. Incorporating salary in this would’ve made it far too complicated for both us and the casual user - this new app was mostly designed to attract the roto baseball crowd. Those of your vets who still want to live draft with a salary cap can of course still use Major Deegan’s site, or wait to see if I can build a quickie replacement eventually.
Some brief instructions on how to use the Live Draft interface once you're in can be found here: