An Idea for a league

An Idea for a league

Postby luckeroll » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:29 am

Each manager will draft one team to use. They must play in the team's home stadium.
The thing is that the league will have a 60 million cap. So if your team is over the cap you will need to cut players and replace players to make the cap. Also you can only cut 8 players. You must have 17 players at all time that was from the original team.

Also if your team is under the cap you can cut players to add some meat to your team. The remaining teams will be the free agency pool. After a player is cut then it is a free for all for that player.

Basically you will have 17 core players from the original team and 8 other players to make 60 mill.

If this sounds interesting I will set up a league. But one more thing, I cannot start until Monday. Hope this will fly for everybody.
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