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ONE Needed for 2007 Live Draft, $100M, DH, Unique Stadiums

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:37 pm
by TomSiebert
Hullo, ye olde pals -- We're gearing it up for a fresh one (or maybe two).

Bernie promises the new cards will drop soon, and we'd like to round up the old gang again.

Check in here if you're up for playing....


PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:09 pm
tws, present and accounted for. im up for '86, already in a couple of leagues, (they fill fast since teams are free) would be glad to do one with our group, or even a corps of whomever surfaces soon, and ofcourse when the new cards come out in the next week or two...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:08 am
by TomSiebert
Hooray for Meat (so to speak)....

Here's the thread for our '86 League -- I'm going to wait a bit to see if anybody else pops up from the Olde World before jumping in.

Bernie said 08 teams should drop soon. Have you tried the Strat draft? 1.5 minutes seems mighty tight to me, especially since nobody knows the cards....thoughts?


PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:49 pm
yeah, ive jumped into a few mock drafts. WAY too fast...but key is to do all tour tun yhe prep ahead of time so you've got all your alternatives ready when your turn comes and who you wanted is long gone....

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:59 pm
new cards are out! gonna stick with unused defunct dick theme?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:14 pm
by TomSiebert
Totally want to play w/ the new cards, with the Live draft (at least 15 anyway, etc.)

We're still going to take a flyer with the 86 league, so you're welcome to join in if you have the time -- whaddaya got, like a dozen teams so far?

League is Don Adams Invitational, password is Maxwell.

If you're not on board, totally cool, just let us know.

We need to gear up for the new gang of cards....


PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:15 pm
by TomSiebert
Totally want to play w/ the new cards, with the Live draft (at least 15 anyway, etc.)

We're still going to take a flyer with the 86 league, so you're welcome to join in if you have the time -- whaddaya got, like a dozen teams so far?

League is Don Adams Invitational, password is Maxwell.

If you're not on board, totally cool, just let us know.

We need to gear up for the new gang of cards....


PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:20 pm
im ready for the live draft whenever. how many of the regulars are in the '86 league that we can get lined up now for the new '07.?
might have to do 007 theme again since there are now two sets of '07 cards, meaning, double 07.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:29 am
by The Turtle
I am game

New Double-007 League

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:34 am
by TomSiebert
Fantastic! We'll start it here and now. LOVE the double-007 idea from our reliable provider of double-entendre byplay, the Meatmaster (sounds rather like a Bond villain henchman, in fact).

We'll follow the usual season opener rules:

AL/NL Player Mix
$100MM Salary Cap
Unique Stadiums
5-10-20 Rule on Drops/Free Agents
Live Snake Draft of 15 Rounds, Autodraft remaining 10
Draft determined by State Lottery results

We won't be able to start the draft until after Al is back from Vacation, but that puts us on a trajectory to begin the week of the real baseball season, which is how it's actually worked the past couple years as well. I'm in L.A. that week on business (and pleasure!), but should be able to keep up with my proxies.

Here we go:

1. Tom Siebert - N.J.


Meanwhile - I realize it may already be passé for some of us to play the 1986 season, but we are still trying to fill one of these free leagues. As of 6:30 am PST, we have about four spots left. If you care to join us, here's the link to sign up:

$80MM Cap
League: Don Adams Invitational
Password: Maxwell

I'm Jones-ing to get a season started.....

Great to see all our virtual pals, old and new!
