Dynamic Duos - (1986 theme league)

Dynamic Duos - (1986 theme league)

Postby mbrake » Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:37 pm

Dynamic Duos - (1986 theme league)

$80M, advd., wtd. waivers, DH, geographic divisions, unique stadiums, Strict 25 man roster (no more and no less). Cut penalty 20%.

1. Must play either your base team's or paired supplemental team's home stadium only. You cannot use any other stadium other than either your base or supplemental team's. You do not have to declare your stadium.

2. Roster must consist of any combo of a minimum of 20 players from your base team or paired supplemental team to meet 25 man roster. You cannot have any player on your roster at any point of the season that is on another team's base team. Note: Pirates and Mariners are draft auto-draft, waiver, FA eligible the entire season.

3. After auto-draft, if you have anyone else's base/supplemental team player on your roster, then you must immedialtely trade or release that player. At no time during the entire season can you have a player from someone else's base team.

4. Waivers will be used to correct HAL's auto-draft errors with the exception of any Pirates or Mariners who are draft & waiver eligible.

5. After waivers has been fully processed, then and only then, can you add any other team's supplemental players that are free-agents. Reminder: 20 of your 25 man roster MUST be made up of any combo of your base team and supplemental team's players.

6. Team Draft order: (if you don't want to play - please respond - "PASS")

1. Washington Cards
2. ny medians
3. RGV Giant Angels
4. Pittsburg Expirates
5. Chicago Cubsox
6. Philadelphia Twins
7. Oakland Astros
8. Baltimore Orioles
9. Cincinnati Redlegs
10. Milwaukee Interlude
11. Bo$ton Red $oxxx
12. The Outsiders

7. After our current league has drafted their team, then I will open it up to the general public on a first come, first served basis.

8. Effective game 1 - playoffs, you must maintain a 25 man roster. During waivers and until game 1, there are no roster size limits.

9. Honesty and integrity are a must. Password will be given when the league is filled.

Divisions: (first team is the base team, second team is the designated supplemental team)

Red Sox (Braves)
Yankees (Orioles)
Phillies (A's)
Mets (Cubs)

Indians (Expos)
Tigers (Dodgers)
Blue Jays (Royals)
Reds (Brewers)

Angels (White Sox)
Astros (Twins)
Rangers (Padres)
Giants (Cards)

note: Mariners & Pirates are free-agents entire season.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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