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Live Draft question

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:59 pm
by Play By The Rules
OK, forgive me for being thick here, but I've run my first Mock Draft...

Am I to understand that leagues that use the live draft option do not have a salary cap, FOR THE SEASON?!?!? Or is a salary cap chosen before the live draft and teams have to get down to the cap before opening day?

Seems rather silly to have leagues without a salary cap, otherwise, you should simply draft the most expensive players first.

Is there a gap in my comprehension? Someone that knows please help.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:44 am
by bernieh
Live Draft leagues play with no salary cap for the whole season. It's like fantasy (rotisserie) baseball where you go for the best talent available. It's true that everyone will end up with All-Star teams - or, in a deep pool like ATG III, superstar teams - but whether that's "silly" is, of course, subjective. I've tried to make it clear that it was important for us to keep in mind the Strat-O-Matic novice, who is probably more familiar with more traditional fantasy baseball live drafts, where there are usually no salary cap limits.

If you wish to Live Draft with salary considerations, you still have three options:

- your original option - MajorDeegan's site
- your own idea of cutting down to a salary cap after the draft (which I think is a great compromise)
- wait for me to either build an PHP/HTML-based replacement to MajorDeegan's site, or upgrade the new Live Draft to support salary caps

You sure don't have [i:ce3fcd4372]fewer[/i:ce3fcd4372] options than you did before...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:43 am
by Ninersphan
anyone know if Major deegan has the new cards up on his site yet??

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:30 pm
by Play By The Rules
Fair enough Bernie, I know you are trying to attract an increased customer base and I know that is an economic necessity. I shouldn't have called it "silly", but I for one will not be partaking.

Viva la difference.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:33 pm
by joethejet
Hey, I think it's cool to be able to have a non-cap league. Just another way of looking at the cardset.
