Okay, we'll go back to the way it was. It's easy enough to change and I don't want any of you to be upset. Keep in mind, though, that in both yea-or-nay polls that Play by the Rules started, the results were close to even, which means that either 1) the idea wasn't such an awful one, or 2) these polls aren't very useful. Take your pick!
Still, if I can do something quick to make people happy (or less unhappy), I'll do it. [b:5b3050cb30]All preseason auto-draft leagues will continue to be able to change their ballparks until this Friday, 3/7 at 11:59pm ET, after which no other auto-draft leagues may do so after the draft.[/b:5b3050cb30] Live Draft leagues will retain this ability to change their parks until the Sunday (11:59pm ET) immediately before their seasons start, going forward.
Keep in mind that there are times when we have to make decisions that may start out unpopular but are essential for our product's evolution, so don't expect me to cave each time there is any dissent. This ballpark thing just doesn't happen to be one of them, so I'm happy to reconsider it.
That said, I have two more issues that I definitely would like to get your opinions on; I'll be posting them shortly.
Bernie H.