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Releasing an Injured Player

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:16 am
I'm new to this so pardon me if it's common knowledge. I haven't been able to find it in the rules.

If an injured player is released, I notice the "I" stays by his name even long after his injury should have healed. Does this mean that he doesn't "heal" unless he's on an active roster? In other words, if someone is injured for 7 games and I release him, then pick him back up 30 games later, does he still have to sit out 7 games for me?

[edit] by the way, I'm playing the 70's if that matters.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:23 am
by Ninersphan
Correct, the player has to stay active for the injury to heal.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:48 am
by geekor
Incorrect Incorrect and just wrong.

the [color=red:1f9f4a8dd0]I[/color:1f9f4a8dd0] stays there, but click and open the card itself. If the player was just released it will tell you how many more games they are injured. If it says nothing, they are already healed.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:08 am
by Ninersphan
well I learned somethin new, sorry for the bad info.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:00 pm
by The Biomechanical Man
geekor's right. The injury does heal during games when the player is a free agent. The [color=red:f7e94a5249]I[/color:f7e94a5249] shown on the free agent listing is just a bug.