your a real nice guy. who would ever accuse you of being anything different? is there anyway for me to make my fount smaller. i am used to using big fount because my parents can not read small fount. i am so sorry to offend you. you rule! i am one of your biggest fans.if we ever meet i would love to get your autograph, and i promise to speak softly.
what does your post have to do with mine? if i use all caps once in a while it is so people do not have to strain to read them. how do caps relate to yelling? and thirdly i went back and looked at my posts, they were not all in caps.should i be a moron and not use any correct punctuation? i am sorry i was not taught that way. i think you have better things to worry about. it had absolutely nothing to do with yelling. and if you do not like my posts do not read them. your critisisms are much more offensive than all caps.
You are brilliant! That was my whole point, genius! "Geeky", or whatever that guy's name is, thinks I am yelling. I think both of you need to get a life. Or maybe try and meet a girl.