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Jack Cust

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:39 pm
by rmatty39
So I have Jack Cust as my DH in the new 07 season and he stinks!!!!

These are his pathetic stats to start the season: (while using $5.32mil of cap room)

1 for 37
.027 avg
.280 obp
.108 slg

Talk about terrible!!!!!!!!

I guess the bright spot is his one hit was a two run HR and he does have 13 walks in 12 games. If you can consider that a bright spot........

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:07 pm
by killer_elite
Well yah. Look at his card. If you didnt expect a walk magnet with a low BA then you need to learn to read your cards a bit better :P He is way over priced.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:26 pm
by deeznuts515
Disagree, I think Cust has a great card for hitter's parks... be patient! If you're in a hitter's park, that is.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:06 pm
by FoggyOne
agree with deez

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:59 pm
by teamnasty
Just another example of hysterical small size panicking. Jeez, its 12 games, and yes, one walk per game is a good thing.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:44 pm
by rmatty39
Who said anything about panicking??? I was just commenting on how pathetic he has been.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:45 pm
by JdEarly
I'm sure we've all had great cards go through prolonged slumps such as the one you've mentioned with Cust. Thing is, with this being at the very beginning of the season it's far more noticeable than when it happens in the middle or end and the player has already established solid numbers that don't get hurt too badly by that horrific stretch. Hang in there, I think Cust will reward you.

Can we have a link to your team?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:33 pm
by killer_elite
Well just dont have a gbA hitter behind him. 38% of the time you roll his card he will be a slug on 1B. ;)

His card is nice, just wish he had some hits on it. Take away the walks and its pretty ugly. I would much rather have a DH with pop for 5.3m, than a DH who walks most of the time and then cant run. But thats just me.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:39 am
by rmatty39
I couldn't handle it any longer and dropped Cust. I receive 95% back so it's not too much money being wasted. I picked up my boy Matty Stairs to handle my DH duties. I'm starting pitcher heavy on this team so not a lot to spend on offence.