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Not retiring but phasing down

Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:22 pm
by errormagnate
enjoyed it immensely and still plan to honor the majority of the many
multiple league themes I so enjoy. But I find myself so frigging irritated
at the constant whining about HAL, the so-called conspiracies, you
name 'em I've heard 'em. It's a game people based on rolls of dice, it is
imperfect, but it is or could be fun if you can just chill. I know everyone
has the right to say whatever they want and it used to just make me
shake my head, chuckle, and move on, now I find my teeth grinding my
BP up etc. all clear signs I have been doing this too long. I am not
quitting - I am too addicted for that but I am going to seriously cut back
and maybe rekindle some of that inital enthusiasm in time. To the
majority of you I have enjoyed playing with you very much.
Steve Ames (errormagnate)

Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:39 am
by the splinter
take a deep breath...a week or two away from the boards.....then come back fresh...... and take your medicine from the likes of me.... :lol:
really....I hope you can let it pass and still be involved...we need you around my man. 8-)

Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:21 am
by durantjerry
It's been like that(whining) forever. I hardly ever do it, but I succumb on occasion. I guess, sometimes you have to vent.

Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:43 pm
Steve, I'm sure we'll still see you out there in the hardcore leagues with your old buddies. I cut way down as well. It's mostly because I lost access at work, but also to get away for awhile.
Don't let a few yahoos get you down!
I do have to admit, the new FREE 86 idea sure has brought in "all kinds" of lets say.......interesting new managers. I haven't had more than 1 or 2 teams in a public league in 3 years. But because of the 86 freebie deal, I decided to experiment with some oddball teams and enter a few of the free public leagues. There are a lot of guys with (0) ratings that came out of the woodwork and quite frankly....there are some odd ducks out there! It's kind of refreshing because they don't know anything about conspiracies, HAL issues, etc. They just want to learn to play. I'm more than happy to give them tips like....the higher the fielder rating, the better they are in the field. Play only 4s and 5s out there and you will be in good shape. :wink:
Bottom line.....I'm glad you aren't retiring. There may be a new crop of cooks and wackos coming into the SOM world. You can't miss out. However, I'm glad you are taking a break. Maybe now, I can get my winning pcg. back up!

Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:08 am
by LMBombers
[quote:66918187d5="ehlekev"]the new FREE 86 idea sure has brought in "all kinds" of lets say.......interesting new managers. There are a lot of guys with (0) ratings that came out of the woodwork. They just want to learn to play.[/quote:66918187d5]
We were all at ZERO once too. I think it is a really good thing to have all these new managers. Some of them will like it and remain active in our community. Hopefully enough of them or more to take over for some vets that are slowing down like our buddies errormagnate and Pelzer.

Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:20 am
by Stoney18
Well said LM. I remember when I started a couple of years ago. Some nut job named Penngray :wink: kept giving me advice on how to play the game. Of course me being the skeptic thought he was trying to put one over on me.
Didn't take me long to realize the he was one of the geniuses of this game.
New blood is always nice to have.
Steve, stick around for some Vet leagues. We'll need you in Lotto.

Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:04 pm
by durantjerry
He probably was trying to pull one over on you. We all actually didn't have zero manager ratings at one time. I started playing before there were manager ratings, so when they kicked in I sttarted out with about a 1000 rating or something. I am closing in on Penngray in the manager rankings. If he stays away for another year or two, he's mine. Nobody tell him.

Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:03 am
by toshiro
And you gotta think about Bernie and his kids future education! There's a lot riding on this man!

Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:03 pm
by The Biomechanical Man
Taking a break from the Boards and/or leagues once in a while is a good idea. I checked out for about 6 weeks, enjoyed life, and then came back to Strat with new enthusiasm.
- Glenn

Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:20 pm
by fredpaii
Two things I've learned from this thread.
One, not all of us are zero's. And that's okay
Two, we're too addicted to this thing (much like an older and slowed boxer...I keep picturing Sugar Ray Leonard) to know when to hang em up.